
Breeding Register Machines

Draft of 2016.07.31

May include: GPAIlearning in public&c.

Continued from “(Almost) evolving Artificial Chemistries”

In review

Wolfgang Banzhaf and Christian Lasarczyk presented a mind-blowing paper at a workshop I attended back in 2004, called “Genetic Programming of an Algorithmic Chemistry”. The premise here was so weird to most of us in the audience (I suspect) that while we were totally amazed, we also totally didn’t manage to get our heads around just what they were demonstrating. Viz: They could evolve functional, useful machine learning models in a programming language in which the steps are run in random order.

Over the last few hours (four days, actually, in my time, but the coding is maybe 3 hours’ work total so far) I’ve tried to re-implement the system they describe. I’m working in Clojure, but that’s just because I have Clojure handy. It’s simple enough to be written in any modern language very very quickly. I’m calling one of these Artificial Chemistry/Random-sequence Programs a RegisterMachine, and yesterday Nic McPhee and I paired a little while and discovered some interesting overlaps with the UNITY system from the 1980s. Things are now at a point in the code I’ve developed where I can

  1. Construct a random RegisterMachine like this, which I think is just like the ones described in the 2004 paper:

      (into [] (repeatedly 11 #(- (rand 100.0) 50.0)))
      (into [] (repeat 30 0.0 ))
      (random-program all-functions 11 30 100))
  2. “Run” that RegisterMachine for 500 steps, each time initializing it with one of the training cases from the target problem (where I’m asking it to approximate \(y=sin(x)\) with arithmetic operators only), and collect the resulting “error” values that compare the expected output for each training case to the observed output for that case:

    user=> (error-vector my-random-register-machine 500 sine-data)
    [0.10378827843255478 892.0499052239678 18.37429574385431 0.6847344424616899 1.902938338944094 17.607796834595234 64.72280429418238 77.93459127132203 1.7744408595140553 0.9999293957892215 0.9999220395963438 17.29715262620314 1.4737284487789573 1.9840846292005816 0.7243123524797839 23.77400340811076 1.1271712421646807 0.021030176634362685 1.6191202120650372 0.2910593407505375 0.9971295277731475 0.45038453426850644 0.8856534202977996 747.1416867968015 NaN 1031.555391958217 0.3721928299470263 0.07876230732670841 2.9720056901150205E-4 18.36661313122966 15.758647707960073 26.818799309181763 1.4797315826059496 1.2307856360961258 1.9819938312873038 25.148449574957457 0.01405532063619419 1.7352604176814883 0.003627605577099957 0.7034931593461528 1.54996967207728 18.478902850317226 1.2076058704811978 NaN 0.011615652574838764 0.45150998833643197 18.919854150630023 19.110623495653407 54.69284851926107 2.404829264973627E53 0.0719015045193675 1.7867418594573108 1.0080684465479774 54.23260103709737 17.51701096461205 19.070889990722012 0.5922074520335718 14.233090623213045 1.8490890527031547 1.2913604334427227 0.4162180977177288 45.78021083323095 17.138060672654525 0.7897811374963661 891.3624213797258 0.12341543902350127 17.882249298858323 0.6590661609510462 1.3175475027017796 0.8352648846255233 0.02005712202665677 17.774209879501168 1.621167494953838 0.7261127331940007 17.77898208232051 1.3421209214092846 17.559721083800202 1.9501932310889192 79.673881711732 17.958052184999275 1.4799155068769339 0.7235348717060249 1.0888954474194799 892.4454730534084 54.154566648044174 0.22562038124213035 17.737496622619393 18.19427576991408 18.60852670082341 0.9638079415516216 0.6928199029233504 64.19144649505957 0.9633289991749456 1.898821962863234 0.9933174578439989 0.4731621477855388 17.15104891080844 0.37258390769748145 0.026497669377493094 8.852097344403157]

That’s sort of performance information is what I need to start comparing different RegisterMachine instances against one another. And that is all we really need to start improving them.

Old-school mistakes

It was 2004 when the paper was written—more than a decade back—but even then, the authors were already starting to express regret over using a bad aggregated error statistic when comparing their evolved programs. Which is to say: I’ll use Mean Squared Error to begin with, because they did… but I won’t like it. But I’m trying to replicate their work, a little, so I need to at least go through the motions.

Don’t be like us, kids. Don’t use aggregated error scores for evolving, unless you know for a fact you have to.

I’ll do it this way, then we’ll do it a few other ways to clear the air, afterwards.

What Nic and I calculated in our error-vector yesterday is an ordered collection of absolute differences between expected and observed output values. Mean Squared Error (MSE) is just the sum of the squares of those, easy enough in Clojure, but presented here for completeness’ sake:

(defn mean-squared-error
  "Takes a collection of numeric values, squares them, adds those to produce a single sum"
  (reduce + (map #(* %1 %1) numbers)))

(fact "mean-squared-error does what the sign says"
  (mean-squared-error [0 0 0 0 0 0]) => 0
  (mean-squared-error [0 0 0 0 0 1]) => 1
  (mean-squared-error [0 0 0 0 0 2]) => 4
  (mean-squared-error [2 2 2 2 2 2]) => 24

Now I can score an arbitrary RegisterMachine’s MSE using

(mean-squared-error (error-vector my-register-machine 100 sine-data))

Make a few guesses

The worst we could possibly do at solving a problem like this is to sit and guess randomly until we get something we like. By which I mean: make a series of independent guesses, obstinately ignoring good and bad ones we’ve made in the past, just accumulating dice-rolls without trying to learn from the evaluations of the ones we’ve already done.

That’s an important thing to understand about all machine learning algorithms, evolutionary or not: The “placebo effect” to which you’re comparing your algorithmic treatment should always start with, “Does this algorithm tend to find answers better than an equivalent number of i.i.d. guesses?”

What does guessing give me? I decide to look at the MSE measurements for 10000 randomly-chosen RegisterMachine instances, all checked against the same sine-data values. Here’s a way of collecting some data, just to look quickly with another spreadsheet plot:

(dotimes [x 100]
    (let [rm (->RegisterMachine
               (into [] (repeatedly 11 #(- (rand 100.0) 50.0)))
               (into [] (repeat 30 0.0 ))
               (random-program all-functions 11 30 100))
          errs (error-vector rm 500 sine-data)]
        (str (clojure.string/join ", " (conj errs (mean-squared-error errs))) "\n")
        :append true)

Running that produces a file called random-rms.csv, containing a random sample of a hundred different RegisterMachine instances, and runs each of them 500 steps (per the protocol described in the book chapter) against each of 100 training cases. Just to get a better sense of what’s happening, I’ve saved both the MSE and all the 100 individual absolute error values.

It’s not a fast process, and I’m tempted already to parallelize it a bit and run it multithreaded. But I don’t want to do any premature optimization, and to be frank I see something else that might be more important to address first.

Here are the MSE values for these 1000 machines, sorted… “numerically” we’ll say:

1   53.6190999
2   53.6190999
3   53.6190999
4   78.79894709
5   83.13198742
6   88.41459029
7   93.13113577
8   93.27346612
9   100.8182265
10  112.6750623
11  114.237492
12  115.1560113
13  118.9073533
14  140.1020626
15  142.5843692
16  149.8582804
17  150.5917969
18  156.1441245
19  156.7875366
20  12082.30613
21  236943.5161
22  315744.6489
23  2367854.157
24  5012222.211
25  7897667.711
26  1.99E+07
27  6.17E+13
28  1.76E+15
29  1.71E+19
30  6.01E+19
31  1.57E+21
32  1.47E+59
33  9.86E+60
34  5.90E+122
35  6.06E+186
36  3.11E+247
37  1.61E+292
38  5.27E+303
39  Infinity
40  Infinity
41  Infinity
42  Infinity
43  Infinity
44  Infinity
45  Infinity
46  Infinity
47  Infinity
48  Infinity
49  Infinity
50  Infinity
51  Infinity
52  Infinity
53  Infinity
54  Infinity
55  Infinity
56  NaN
57  NaN
58  NaN
59  NaN
60  NaN
61  NaN
62  NaN
63  NaN
64  NaN
65  NaN
66  NaN
67  NaN
68  NaN
69  NaN
70  NaN
71  NaN
72  NaN
73  NaN
74  NaN
75  NaN
76  NaN
77  NaN
78  NaN
79  NaN
80  NaN
81  NaN
82  NaN
83  NaN
84  NaN
85  NaN
86  NaN
87  NaN
88  NaN
89  NaN
90  NaN
91  NaN
92  NaN
93  NaN
94  NaN
95  NaN
96  NaN
97  NaN
98  NaN
99  NaN
100 NaN

To summarize, there are 38 numerical results, 17 Infinity results, and 45 NaN results. The majority of the MSE scores are not numbers at all.

Remember when I was writing the arithmetic functions, and we ran across the problem of NaN results from exponentiation? Specifically, any exponentiation (or root, which is the same thing) that would produce a complex result, will instead produce a NaN result here. I said that seemed reasonable, because NaN is actually a well-behaved notion in the Clojure numerics world, and it’s contagious. So for example a calculation that ends up attempting (+ 9 NaN) will produce NaN as its result.

And that’s what’s happening here.

There are 45 out of 100 sampled NaN results for mean-squared-error, but there are only 236 instances of NaN in all those 10000 saved error scores combined. Remember, each of the mean-squared-error scores is the result of squaring and adding all 100 individual absolute error scores. Only 191 out of 10000 of those ended up being NaN, but those 191 are all contagious when we calculate MSE. In the vast majority of training cases, the programs that report NaN MSE scores had numerical error scores for all their other training cases.

Should I

  1. filter out all NaN results from error-vector before calculating MSE?
  2. disqualify all NaN results, essentially giving them the same score as the programs that return Infinity?
  3. filter out the NaN results from error-vector, but also count how many failures there were, so we can penalize the programs that produce them in some other way later?
  4. something else?

Here’s one of the lines from my data file, just to show you how rare these missteps seem to be:

14.512700656855618, 36.34682661832332, 0.22272076458235046, 36.0415438803616, 0.7028474400477173, 37.90569529133373, 3.4694618411003758E28, Infinity, 0.0049883792078943, 1.1430386388965226, 0.9764584409500819, 36.48257041838092, 17.699342124054212, 34.81858014561794, 35.268293081187856, 18.64664456285559, 20.312467626751573, 18.905021195269036, 18.79277331650665, 35.12632134580146, 160.58497171539184, 36.818180888782045, 1.0770428450393044, 3.211162515334249, 1.2774869325431761, 38.23513203047197, 4144.994254238535, 1.1205167681148849, 0.6517147658882435, 74.68681753890394, 8.089206762248192, 35.06506528509666, 158.45029664047635, NaN, 0.36017409166636516, 1.9882826305419015, 1.965103343683725, 17.09079339300167, 0.21610452505994493, 161.5178058457626, Infinity, 52.79181524968903, 11.416960575720818, 1.9985199759739016, 10.839149371903444, 6.902096518313083E-5, 0.473857988855935, 105.4739600503263, 48.7061839395908, 2.9773983899186405, 1.727524286383126, 2440.394926193592, 37.58780396402384, 37.131262078687215, 1.108107062748793, 2.9233951751453473, 16.38745019927218, 1.0010957494005623, Infinity, 1.8758971919377665, 0.8062492781324515, 20.63384160624596, 16.11828203393142, 0.4470185971167757, 36.00276024518086, 86.60253820111583, 34.15631844233021, 160.70700283399782, 141.5350108563254, 16.368476468845742, 36.99207386592062, 160.7608435407269, 18.16886154514844, 20.533004418208556, 70.46297145640446, 36.987484598558055, 30.403467871355716, 35.89971218150966, 26.341121061777525, 0.717927897631977, 263.21612142321567, 34.8079222070921, 37.99256501112781, 35.18023028374965, 15.838547544107891, 31.77076644759274, 19.095975690949597, 7.0124801295878816E106, 159.09327188544106, 25.10152924293739, 35.44651622632778, Infinity, 160.7983744944989, 0.7492663870031635, 15.10771712587888, 0.977449133958204, 161.69659912975297, 87.5916493382293, 17.34714203126965, 20.642120559459855, NaN

There are four Infinity values, but the final MSE (the last number in the line) is NaN because there was one NaN somewhere in the middle there. I’m frustrated because I can compare Infinity to other numbers, but NaN is not on a scale. But I’m also frustrated because there’s a lot of perfectly reasonable arithmetic going on in there, most of the time.

I suspect almost all of the RegisterMachine instances I’m running contain one or more NaN values somewhere, but recall we decided that the “output” was just the value of the last register of :connectors on the last step of execution. Machines that produce NaN in the course of execution, but keep it to themselves, I actually admire somewhat. In the same sense, I admire these machines that only rarely glitch out on the “output” value nearly as much. I want to give them a chance, in case most of the arithmetic they’re doing is somewhere close to a good answer.

I think I’ll pick option 3 from my list of options: I’ll filter out the NaN values, but also report how many of them there were. That way, I’ll get a numerical value for MSE, but can penalize the bad actors somehow, in case they start learning to just produce one pretty-good value and 99 refusals to cooperate.

Revised scores

Here’s a revised data-saving algorithm, which splits the scores in error-vector into two subsets (one entirely composed of NaN values), and returns an MSE score calculated over the numerical results, plus a count of non-numerical values:

  (dotimes [x 100]
    (let [rm (->RegisterMachine
               (into [] (repeatedly 11 #(- (rand 100.0) 50.0)))
               (into [] (repeat 30 0.0 ))
               (random-program all-functions 11 30 100))
          errs (error-vector rm 500 sine-data)
          bad  (filter isNaN? errs)
          good (filter #(not (isNaN? %)) errs)]
        (str (clojure.string/join 
                ", " 
                (conj good (mean-squared-error good) (count bad)))
        :append true

When I sort these numbers in a spreadsheet, it’s somehow a lot more pleasing to me to see a column of relatively small BAD values (the number of training cases that produce a result of NaN) and a column of entirely numerical GOOD results (the MSE calculated over the remaining training cases):

0   53.6190999
0   53.6190999
0   53.6190999
0   53.6190999
1   58.4460994
0   78.84701251
0   97.01725554
0   110.2208883
0   116.3372093
0   127.6079183
0   132.0089151
0   134.7418056
0   136.1563229
0   138.842436
0   149.259414
0   155.824788
0   156.7703922
0   993.381172
1   13675.63454
0   48479.37548
0   83913.2372
0   101299.8314
0   172206.2436
0   236576.8369
0   256383.0347
0   317320.8615
0   349745.2179
3   4384612.192
0   5863468.618
0   2.24E+07
0   2.68E+07
0   4.62E+07
1   1.13E+08
2   1.42E+08
0   1.48E+08
0   2.20E+08
0   3.56E+08
0   9.61E+09
6   8.26E+17
0   2.61E+26
0   3.52E+26
0   4.51E+33
2   1.14E+70
3   7.48E+75
6   6.36E+84
0   1.83E+85
0   1.06E+103
5   2.89E+115
8   1.65E+146
3   7.03E+208
4   1.02E+212
1   1.84E+220
0   4.47E+268
0   1.77E+274
1   4.00E+274
1   2.42E+287
5   Infinity
3   Infinity
3   Infinity
0   Infinity
1   Infinity
2   Infinity
0   Infinity
1   Infinity
0   Infinity
4   Infinity
9   Infinity
4   Infinity
2   Infinity
1   Infinity
1   Infinity
8   Infinity
0   Infinity
3   Infinity
10  Infinity
2   Infinity
11  Infinity
1   Infinity
9   Infinity
10  Infinity
0   Infinity
1   Infinity
0   Infinity
0   Infinity
2   Infinity
0   Infinity
0   Infinity
2   Infinity
2   Infinity
3   Infinity
1   Infinity
1   Infinity
0   Infinity
3   Infinity
7   Infinity
4   Infinity
3   Infinity
1   Infinity
1   Infinity
2   Infinity

Everybody’s got a number, even if it’s Infinity. That’s OK with me, because I can sort Infinity.

I think I can live with this. The idea, in case it’s not obvious, is to compare two RegisterMachine instances on the basis of both their “failures” and “error”. That is, minimize the mean-squared-error over the numerical results they produce, and also minimize the number of non-numerical results they produce. We’ll see what happens.

But I’d better make it official, first! Here’s a clojure function that implements that filtering, and returns a hash with two key-value pairs in it. I can use that later to actually score RegisterMachine examples.

(defn errors-and-failures
  "Takes a RegisterMachine and a bunch of training cases, runs the machine for each case, collects the error-vector, and returns two scores: the MSE of all numerical results, and the count of non-numerical results"
  [rm steps data]
  (let [errs (error-vector rm steps data)
        bad  (filter isNaN? errs)
        good (filter #(not (isNaN? %)) errs)]
      {:mse (mean-squared-error good) :failures (count bad)}

To be honest, I’m comfortable for the moment just minimizing the numerical error, and ignoring those bad non-numerical results for now.

Better and better

Guessing only gets one so far. Also, guessing and then evaluating each with a calculation that takes at least 50000 iterations (100 training cases, 500 steps to run each program) is surprisingly boring, at least until it starts to pay off. Let’s make the search algorithm a little bit smarter.

The original paper (PDF) describes two search operators:

Mutation will change operator and register numbers according to a probability distribution. In the present implementation register values are changed using a Gaussian with mean at present value and standard deviation 1.

I’m reading this, plus the values reported in Table 11-1, to mean that

  1. for each :read-only register, the numerical value stored there is changed, with probability 0.03, to a new random Gaussian number with mean equal to the old number, and variance equal to 1.0
  2. for each number appearing in either the :args or :target fields of a ProgramStep in the machine, there is a 0.03 chance of changing it to another valid number, using the same approach used to initialize them; that is, :args value are any integer value up to the total number of registers in the machine, and :target numbers are any integer value up to the total number of :connectors registers

Note that nothing is said about mutating the function present. The only thing mutation affects is the numerical constants stored in :read-only, and the connections feeding into and out of the functions already present.

Functions themselves are modified by recombination (aka “crossover”).

  1. each :read-only register value is copied with equal probability from either parent
  2. …?

I can’t suss out what they actually did for crossover between the programs here. It reads as if there was a last-minute change before the manuscript was submitted, because there’s something about “sequence generators” and stuff that doesn’t seem to have much to do with running these machines. Indeed, I begin to suspect that this whole experiment is framed in the authors’ minds as a comparison between Linear GP and this weird randomly-shuffled program execution style.

I have to guess what exactly they meant, in other words. That’s pretty normal, when you try to replicate results from any published paper. At least when the code isn’t included.

There’s a good deal of discussion about how the occurrence of a ProgramStep in an offspring depends on the frequency of occurrence in the “sequence generator” of the parent. That makes me think what is happening here is something like “pick 100 i.i.d. samples of ProgramStep entries, with replacement, from both parents”. But there’s also a suggestion (because of a “Maximum Size” entry in Table 11-1) that crossover between two same-length individuals can produce longer offspring.

I think what I’ll do is this:

  1. call the two parents Mom and Dad
  2. pick two integers: one a random integer between 0 and the length of Mom, and the other a random integer between 0 and the length of Dad
  3. sample from Mom and Dad, randomly and with replacement, according to those numbers
  4. construct the offspring’s program in whatever order you want (concatenation is as good as any)

Whew. Now I can implement some stuff.

Crossover first

I will save you the rather uneventful writing of the crossover functions. Here are the tests I wrote, in the end:

(fact "crossover-registers"
  (let [mom (->RegisterMachine [1 1 1 1] [0 0 0] [:a :b :c :d])
        dad (->RegisterMachine [2 2 2 2] [0 0 0] [:z :y :x :w])]
    (crossover-registers mom dad) => [1 2 1 2]
    (provided (rand) =streams=> [0 1 0 1])

(fact "crossover-program"
  (let [mom (->RegisterMachine [1 1 1 1] [0 0 0] [:a :b :c :d])
        dad (->RegisterMachine [2 2 2 2] [0 0 0] [:z :y :x :w])]
    (crossover-program mom dad) => [:MOM :MOM :MOM :DAD :DAD :DAD]
    (provided (rand-int 4) => 3
              (rand-nth [:a :b :c :d]) => :MOM
              (rand-nth [:z :y :x :w]) => :DAD

(fact "crossover"
  (let [mom (->RegisterMachine [1 1 1 1] [0 0 0] [:a :b :c :d])
        dad (->RegisterMachine [2 2 2 2] [0 0 0] [:z :y :x :w])]
    (crossover mom dad) => (->RegisterMachine
                              [1 2 1 2]
                              [0 0 0]
                              [:MOM :MOM :MOM :DAD :DAD :DAD])
    (provided (rand-int 4) => 3
              (rand-nth [:a :b :c :d]) => :MOM
              (rand-nth [:z :y :x :w]) => :DAD
              (rand) =streams=> [0.1 0.8 0.1 0.8])))

Thank goodness (again) for Brian Marick’s Midje testing framework. I especially like the way I can use a “streaming prerequisite” like (rand) =streams=> [...] to stub a random function out but still have it produce a deterministic sequence of different values.

And here is the final library code that makes these tests pass:

(defn crossover-program
  "Takes two RegisterMachines. Randomly samples some ProgramSteps from each, returning a new program combining the samples"
  [mom dad]
  (let [mom-program (:program mom)
        mom-contrib (rand-int (count mom-program))
        dad-program (:program dad)
        dad-contrib (rand-int (count dad-program))]
    (into [] (concat
      (repeatedly mom-contrib #(rand-nth mom-program))
      (repeatedly dad-contrib #(rand-nth dad-program))

(defn crossover-registers
  "Takes two RegisterMachines. Constructs a new `:read-only` vector by sampling from the two with equal probability."
  [mom dad]
  (map #(if (< (rand) 1/2) %1 %2) (:read-only mom) (:read-only dad)))

(defn crossover
  "Takes two RegisterMachines, and does crossover of both their `:read-only` vectors and programs"
  [mom dad]
    (crossover-registers mom dad)
    (:connectors mom)
    (crossover-program mom dad)))

I’ve broken out the two aspects of crossover described in the paper into two separate functions, one of which constructs a new :read-only vector of constants, and the other which builds a new collection of ProgramStep items for the offspring.

Giving it a try

I want to see this thing work, in the sense that I want to see improvement over time happening right in front of me. I’m going to make an executive decision here, and implement a much simpler search algorithm than the old-fashioned stuff described in the paper.

What I’m about to implement, just to have some positive feedback after a couple of days’ worth of typing these long rambling accounts, is called a steady-state evolutionary algorithm. Well, it’s one kind of steady-state algorithm.

Here’s what I’ll do:

  1. make a pile of random RegisterMachine dudes
  2. run and evaluate all of them, producing (and recording inside them) their error and failure scores
  3. pick two at random, with uniform probability
  4. make an offspring from those, and evaluate it
  5. discard the worst-scoring RegisterMachine from the pile, and replace it with the offspring I just made
  6. GO TO step 3

I expect, over time, to see the score tend downwards. At least that’s what I hope.

One thing I do to make my life easier is probably something you’d also do if you were working in Javascript: Whenever I evaluate a RegisterMachine, I’ll just write its scores right into it, so I can keep better track of things as we go.

Fast forward

The short version of what happened next is: I spent a half-hour writing a mostly good—emphasis on the qualifier “mostly” here—ad hoc implementation of that search algorithm I just described. It seemed in most cases to run fine, but now and then it would crash with a mysterious OutOfBoundsException (or words to that effect). I’m happy considering it a design spike, and am about to throw it away.

The point of telling you this is twofold, I think: First, as much as I like telling you about the thought processes going on in my head when I’m learning about these systems I’m building, I know you don’t appreciate being dragged down into an interminable rat-hole of debugging and looking for typos. Second, it’s actually an excellent idea to work through a spike solution and throw it away before you actually start coding the “real thing”, in a mindful way. It opens up prospects, and closes off bad options with a lot less risk than you’d experience if you just started changing the core of a project without knowing even the sorts of thing you might end up needing to do.

For example, here are some of the things I observed, and while I may not stumble across them again as I develop a “real” version, I’m also glad I have a recent reminder. So I can, you know, be mindful:

An error error

There’s an amusing trick hidden in my choice of “minimize Mean Squared Errors” as a goal, which I’m almost 100% sure we’ll come across again now. By “trick” I mean a trick the system plays on me. This one I’ll save for when it comes up again in practice, but as a preview: Can you think of a simple way for a RegisterMachine to minimize the MSE scores, if it has 100 training cases, but only the ones that return numbers contribute to the MSE value…?

Crossover by dilution

There’s something extremely odd about the way recombination is done in this system, and I think I’ve read the paper correctly. By “odd” I mean, “Contrary to my experiences with regular programming languages, even GP ones.” Recall I’m taking two RegisterMachine programs, and picking a number of lines from each, at random and with replacement, then putting those piles into one pile in the “offspring”. And also recall that when we run a RegisterMachine program, we’re picking lines at random, with replacement. When mom and dad contribute stuff, often what they contribute is not a fair sample of what they can do.

This is a good place for an example. Say we apply crossover to two very different parents. When we run each parent, we get a random sequence of steps, and when we cross them over, we also use a random sequence of steps to decide what is carried over to baby. Let me show you what mom and dad produce on sampling, and then make a baby just by taking a block of stuff directly from those same “traces”:

mom: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] ;; run => (5 2 1 2 1 6 7 7 7 1 3 2 1 8 3 3 3 3 3 5...)
dad: [11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88] ;; run => (11 77 77 22 88 88 11 11 55 66 33 77 33 33 88 88 22 33 77 77...)

baby: [5 2 1 2 1 6 11 77 77 22 88 88] => (22 1 88 6 1 77 77 22 77 88 77 1 77 1 88 77 88 77 77 1...)
       M M M M M M D  D  D  D  D  D

I picked 6 items from each of mom and dad here, but it might have been anywhere from zero to all of them. Note also that what I’ve shown as “genes” in my diagram are just integers, and if these were RegisterMachine parents we’d be talking about ProgramStep items that read and write register values. Do you notice something about the effects of this crossover? A lot is missing in the offspring. The baby lacks all of [3 4 7 8 33 44 55 66].

Now look how this plays out when mom and dad are much more similar to one another. Say they’re closely related; let’s say baby meets a close relative (whose genes I picked from the 6 items at the ends of the traces of mom and dad):

mom2: [5 2 1 2 1 6 11 77 77 22 88 88] => (22 1 88 6 1 77 77 22 77 88 77 1 77 1 88 77 88 77 77 1...)
dad2: [3 3 3 3 3 5 88 88 22 33 77 77] => (3 77 3 3 3 3 3 88 5 33 77 3 3 22 3 3 3 77 77 5...)

Notice anything about the numbers that are left in these? There are an awful lot of 3 and 77 and 88 here. Odds are high that their offspring will be 3-ing all over the place, when they run their programs. And as a result, their offspring will tend to be even more 3-ish, and so on.

So while Wolfgang and Christian discuss the fact that this representation is about concentrations of behaviors, I think it might be more important than just a metaphor. This canalization—a strong sampling error—is going to have a potent influence on the dynamics of search. Just as certain numbers disappeared from my lists above, some program steps will disappear and others will be duplicated, and at the same time the sizes of the programs is fluctuating randomly in a rather counterintuitive way. In other words, it might be the case that programs need to be long, in order to avoid introducing sampling errors among their offspring that would make them much more variable in behavior. That sort of side-effect makes me frown.

A constant source of innovation is important

Let’s just say that what I watched in my preliminary runs of my buggy code made me realize that some source of new program steps is going to be crucial, because of that drift thing I just mentioned. It could be a sort of mutation, changing the connections and functions of individual instructions, or it could just be the constant introduction of new individuals.

And here we go

Barbara paired with me a bit yesterday, while I was working through my design spike and watching numbers scroll by in the shell, since both of them are approximations with no known optimal solution. She wondered why I was using the problems described in the paper for testing, and I admit that’s a very good question. Whenever I teach or mentor people building a new GP system (of any sort), I always have them check that it can handle symbolic regression on \((y=x+6)\). That is, we provide a bunch of numbers x, and for each we want (+ x 6) as an output.

Yes, it’s trivial. That’s the point.

So here’s some new training data to use for that, picking 100 random x values between -50 and 50, and building training cases like the ones Nic and designed for \(y=sin(x)\):

(defn random-x6-case
  (let [x (+ (rand 100) -50)]
    [[x] (+ x 6)]

(def x6-data
  (repeatedly 100 random-x6-case))

I’ll need some kind of “starting population” (what I called a “pile”) in my sketch above. These can be just like the RegisterMachine described in the paper; no reason to change that now:

(defn random-register-machine
  "Takes a function set, and counts of `:read-only` and `connectors` registers. All registers are set to 0.0"
  [function-set read-only connectors]
    (into [] (repeat read-only 0.0))
    (into [] (repeat connectors 0.0))
    (random-program function-set read-only connectors)

There also needs to be some way to set the “evolved constants” here. Those are numbers we’ll write into :read-only when a new, random RegisterMachine is “born”, and never change unless we’re using them to make a new “baby” by crossover or mutation. But… we have no guidance in the paper for what range of values to use. I suppose we could start at 0.0, and let mutation work its way to wherever it wants to be. But that seems onerous; seems like it’d just be polite to give them something to work with.

Might as well be close to 0.0. Here’s a function to randomly assign values to the :read-only registers, given a numeric scale. It picks random numbers in the range [-range, range].

(defn randomize-read-only
  "Takes a RegisterMachine, and a range value, and sets each of the `:read-only` registers to a uniform random value between [-range, range]"
  [rm scale]
  (let [how-many      (count (:read-only rm))
        double-range  (* 2.0 scale)]
    (assoc rm
           (into [] (repeatedly how-many #(- (* (rand) double-range) scale)))

With that I can fiddle around with the relative scale of these constants, if I want to.

Make a pile of random dudes

Now I’ll want to be able to make and score a random pile, step 1 of my sketch above. I think I’ll work more interactively with this part, until I get it all put together.

Here I make a small pile (just 20 RegisterMachines), and then score it with the record-errors function Nic and I wrote the other day

(def starting-pile
      (random-register-machine all-functions 11 30 100)

  (map :mse 
    (map #(record-errors % 20 x6-data) starting-pile)))

;; => (78316.2748796858 8653217.595852595 78708.54182364167 79392.55238697332 78696.6959863465 78572.68496379511 78148.85527597727 Infinity 78308.74922600105 78572.68496379511 78793.24927035745 75699.77797406889 78572.68496379511 78572.68496379511 Infinity 78801.47126240827 78497.32511673278 78573.0514207663 78624.13444276452 84672.14685086964)

Now I said I wanted to pick two of these at random, make a baby by crossover, and evaluate that.

(defn steady-state-breed-one
  "Takes a collection of RegisterMachines. Returns one new crossover product"
  (let [mom  (rand-nth pile)
        dad  (rand-nth pile)]
    (crossover mom dad)

  (:mse (record-errors (steady-state-breed-one starting-pile) 20 x6-data)))

;; => 86617.25280586528

Now I said I wanted to remove the worst-scoring RegisterMachine in the pile first, before adding in the baby. OK:

(defn steady-state-cull-one
  (butlast (sort-by :mse (shuffle pile))))

(fact "culling removes a highest-scoring from a pile"
  (count (map :mse scored-start-pile)) => 
    (inc (count (map :mse (steady-state-cull-one scored-start-pile))))
  (map :mse scored-start-pile) =>
    (contains (map :mse (steady-state-cull-one scored-start-pile))
      :in-any-order :gaps-ok )

So the cycle for search is something like this:

(defn report-line
  [t pile]
    (str t ", "
      (clojure.string/join ", " (map :mse pile))

(loop [pile scored-start-pile
       step 0]
  (if (> step 100)
    (report-line step pile)
      (report-line step pile)
      (recur (one-steady-state-step pile 500 x6-data)
             (inc step))

I’ve added a little report-line function, because really what good is evolutionary computing unless you pipe a bunch of random numbers to STDOUT?

Here’s what the numbers look like:

0 Infinity Infinity 4.4489542052486336E13 127394.82781711007 83910.25693849668 Infinity 83909.53191227312 Infinity 173481.43725320967 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 5.768794583466152E58 400791.86800922285 Infinity Infinity Infinity 98712.66378275533 Infinity 85425.15250720117 Infinity
1 83848.92227179978 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
2 83871.91922414518 83848.92227179978 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
3 84090.04524307555 83848.92227179978 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
4 Infinity 83848.92227179978 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
5 Infinity 83848.92227179978 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
6 83855.61867342937 83848.92227179978 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
7 83871.91922414518 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
8 83871.91922414518 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity Infinity
9 83871.91922414518 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity Infinity
10 1.7861496182356226E12 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58 Infinity
11 Infinity 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 1.7861496182356226E12 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58
12 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 1.7861496182356226E12 4.4489542052486336E13 5.768794583466152E58
13 83871.91922414518 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 1.7861496182356226E12 4.4489542052486336E13
14 83871.91922414518 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11 1.7861496182356226E12
15 83871.91922414518 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076 5.341935996726756E11
16 83941.9672637024 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285 454616.8666192076
17 83871.91922414518 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967 400791.86800922285
18 83871.91922414518 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007 173481.43725320967
19 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533 127394.82781711007
20 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117 98712.66378275533
21 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024 84090.04524307555 85425.15250720117
22 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024 84090.04524307555
23 83798.8737131924 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668 83941.9672637024
24 83735.64463925894 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312 83910.25693849668
25 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83909.53191227312
26 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
27 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
28 84406.05055674778 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
29 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
30 83971.84113884966 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
31 83835.65405186248 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
32 83995.24816528792 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
33 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
34 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
35 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
36 83871.91922414518 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
37 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
38 83547.46154759786 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
39 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
40 84594.32850264928 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
41 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
42 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
43 83740.14601699969 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
44 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
45 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
46 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
47 83994.00126312721 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
48 83681.99969220927 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
49 84209.76657520366 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
50 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
51 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
52 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
53 83938.32046656216 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
54 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
55 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
56 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
57 84509.77193475112 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
58 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
59 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
60 83769.91719081781 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
61 83902.7402468981 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
62 83703.4878561695 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
63 83765.56586040281 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
64 83845.11054101255 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
65 83871.91922414518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
66 83703.4878561695 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
67 84098.05631777518 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
68 83703.4878561695 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518 83871.91922414518
69 84006.10212570691 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518
70 83798.64224658004 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937 83871.91922414518
71 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978 83855.61867342937
72 83703.4878561695 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255 83848.92227179978
73 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255
74 83836.79961652898 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83845.11054101255
75 83931.3400825129 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
76 84118.91250371611 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
77 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
78 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
79 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
80 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
81 83703.4878561695 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248 83836.79961652898
82 84000.2463120816 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248
83 83888.62000752003 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248
84 83963.33530985212 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248
85 83424.41856486924 83371.34457644458 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924 83835.65405186248
86 83558.32179565352 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004 83798.8737131924
87 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004
88 83773.90777984538 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83798.64224658004
89 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83773.90777984538
90 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83773.90777984538
91 83462.38622459014 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781 83773.90777984538
92 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781
93 83703.4878561695 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281 83769.91719081781
94 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281
95 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281
96 83703.4878561695 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969 83765.56586040281
97 83903.33286176779 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969
98 83703.4878561695 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894 83740.14601699969
99 83871.91922414518 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894
100 83851.8460157202 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894
101 83639.74090794227 83371.34457644458 83424.41856486924 83462.38622459014 83497.05962424753 83519.14315353472 83547.46154759786 83558.32179565352 83594.75981547932 83641.40303621015 83681.99969220927 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83703.4878561695 83735.64463925894
view raw small-pop.csv hosted with ❤ by GitHub

As you can probably see, at least they’re going down over time. But I note already that this is not a fast process. This was creating an initial pile of 20 random RegisterMachines, and then another 100 crossover products. A total of 120. One should expect to see hundreds of thousands of evaluations, but we’re going to do that on my laptop, at least not using 100 training cases, and 500 steps of “running” a program for each of the training cases.

Also, the heat from the laptop fan is making my knees burn.

If I were more committed to this version, I’d probably spend some time making it run on a small cloud somewhere. But recall this is a looking to see test. The fact the numbers are dropping over time makes me confident enough that something might happen if I had a more reasonable scope of search, but I’m also going to tone down the aggressiveness of evaluation (500 steps, 100 cases) to… let’s say 20 cases—it’s only \(y=x+6\), recall—and 100 steps?

(loop [pile scored-start-pile
       step 0]
  (if (> step 1000)
    (report-line step pile)
      (report-line step pile)
      (recur (one-steady-state-step pile 100 (take 20 x6-data))
             (inc step))

Wow that is way faster. OK, and… hey, wouldja look at that. It solved the problem perfectly, in only 34 steps!

0 Infinity 89894.73875301656 5.3013497204580646E268 75543.86677372194 Infinity 4.865487068556599E7 Infinity Infinity 2.999199500882597E7 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity 470196.0145093498 75823.8857791812 Infinity Infinity 76616.87493997157 3.4311068274398816E8
1 15811.807077703379 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
2 Infinity 15811.807077703379 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
3 36431.854945003375 15811.807077703379 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
4 8.66856412217652E7 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
5 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
6 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
7 15594.5275161523 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
8 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
9 15811.807077703379 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity Infinity
10 15876.218867546211 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity Infinity
11 15744.516995905822 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268 Infinity
12 15514.66898284019 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8 5.3013497204580646E268
13 15811.807077703379 15514.66898284019 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7 3.4311068274398816E8
14 15524.718956846567 15514.66898284019 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7 8.66856412217652E7
15 15811.807077703379 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7 4.865487068556599E7
16 75777.98361976653 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498 2.999199500882597E7
17 15811.807077703379 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75777.98361976653 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656 470196.0145093498
18 15811.807077703379 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75777.98361976653 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157 89894.73875301656
19 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75777.98361976653 75823.8857791812 76616.87493997157
20 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75777.98361976653 75823.8857791812
21 15932.13526536564 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194 75777.98361976653
22 15655.491571458559 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 15932.13526536564 36431.854945003375 75543.86677372194
23 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 15932.13526536564 36431.854945003375
24 15646.109812751949 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211 15932.13526536564
25 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15876.218867546211
26 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
27 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
28 15781.793640942116 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
29 15775.901912925829 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
30 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
31 15736.452553007171 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
32 Infinity 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
33 15811.807077703379 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
34 0 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
35 15493.351655460074 0 15425.924013474323 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
36 15811.807077703379 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
37 16040.755115194723 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
38 15493.351655460074 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
39 15811.807077703379 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
40 15811.807077703379 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
41 15811.807077703379 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
42 15673.741495916387 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
43 15811.807077703379 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
44 18587.641483894124 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
45 15614.912552919772 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
46 15811.807077703379 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
47 15494.253048940263 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379 15811.807077703379
48 15721.394179440433 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116 15811.807077703379
49 4395.518313607202 0 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829 15781.793640942116
50 15811.807077703379 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829
51 15685.198709586823 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301 15775.901912925829
52 15811.807077703379 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301
53 15433.939706134017 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822 15752.609884901301
54 15687.063267338273 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171 15744.516995905822
55 Infinity 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15687.063267338273 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171
56 15630.52539836958 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15687.063267338273 15721.394179440433 15736.452553007171
57 15811.807077703379 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15687.063267338273 15721.394179440433
58 15686.998728178125 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15687.063267338273 15721.394179440433
59 15706.638635226132 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15686.998728178125 15687.063267338273
60 15811.807077703379 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15686.998728178125 15687.063267338273
61 15811.807077703379 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15686.998728178125 15687.063267338273
62 15811.807077703379 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15686.998728178125 15687.063267338273
63 15565.159073316538 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15686.998728178125 15687.063267338273
64 2542.6609108875455 0 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823 15686.998728178125
65 15459.216073178704 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387 15685.198709586823
66 9735.197395827689 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559 15673.741495916387
67 30482.461018713348 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559
68 15668.721420727758 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559
69 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559
70 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559
71 15635.494927111726 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15646.109812751949 15655.491571458559
72 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15635.494927111726 15646.109812751949
73 27287.414398777888 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15635.494927111726 15646.109812751949
74 15832.746125866193 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15635.494927111726 15646.109812751949
75 Infinity 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15635.494927111726 15646.109812751949
76 15576.26432831012 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15635.494927111726 15646.109812751949
77 15500.471557619523 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958 15635.494927111726
78 15634.83700464528 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958
79 15736.418776874089 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958
80 15551.893141426404 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772 15630.52539836958
81 11592.375952916962 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523 15614.912552919772
82 15493.862563066496 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126 15594.5275161523
83 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012 15591.957569669126
84 11510.356314851735 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404 15565.159073316538 15576.26432831012
85 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404 15565.159073316538
86 15649.151684080054 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404
87 15621.484891490258 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404
88 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567 15551.893141426404
89 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567
90 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019 15524.718956846567
91 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523 15514.66898284019
92 15485.735239254233 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263 15500.471557619523
93 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263
94 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496 15494.253048940263
95 Infinity 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496
96 15528.431435108798 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496
97 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496
98 11548.10807312386 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.862563066496
99 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
100 Infinity 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
101 15549.57543606283 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
102 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
103 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
104 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
105 15499.202831437522 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
106 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
107 15493.351655460074 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
108 4687.654282319365 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
109 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
110 15701.166267617757 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
111 15811.807077703379 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
112 Infinity 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
113 15583.459286733996 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
114 1594.2305934678543 0 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
115 15610.708784299364 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
116 4809.3414937791 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
117 15837.769173798815 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
118 15811.807077703379 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
119 15811.807077703379 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
120 15862.401242311462 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
121 15670.920408764106 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
122 517.8764708013792 0 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
123 Infinity 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
124 3184.7276718990242 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
125 Infinity 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
126 12295.993550824702 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
127 5785.615869236713 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074 15493.351655460074
128 2.0854833482254345E39 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074
129 3.855453643915622E220 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074
130 Infinity 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074
131 Infinity 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074
132 14615.35295637342 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233 15493.351655460074
133 325.4376248751365 0 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 14615.35295637342 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704 15485.735239254233
134 15811.807077703379 0 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 14615.35295637342 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704
135 1693.9780834715962 0 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 14615.35295637342 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017 15459.216073178704
136 191.75560915669524 0 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 14615.35295637342 15425.924013474323 15433.939706134017
137 5383.407741118306 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 14615.35295637342 15425.924013474323
138 1594.5532515900384 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702 14615.35295637342
139 Infinity 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702
140 15811.807077703379 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702
141 7982.237214912081 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962 12295.993550824702
142 4631.704710525192 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386 11592.375952916962
143 15811.807077703379 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386
144 15811.807077703379 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386
145 10308.082142613855 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689 11510.356314851735 11548.10807312386
146 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689 10308.082142613855 11510.356314851735
147 7325.184820406869 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689 10308.082142613855
148 15811.807077703379 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7325.184820406869 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689
149 5540.644409079345 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5785.615869236713 7325.184820406869 7982.237214912081 9735.197395827689
150 1893.403620796464 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345 5785.615869236713 7325.184820406869 7982.237214912081
151 7893.204308657912 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345 5785.615869236713 7325.184820406869
152 Infinity 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345 5785.615869236713 7325.184820406869
153 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345 5785.615869236713 7325.184820406869
154 3.5245693208415686E79 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345 5785.615869236713
155 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345 5785.615869236713
156 Infinity 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345
157 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306 5540.644409079345
158 7010.698149470476 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306
159 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306
160 0 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791 5383.407741118306
161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365 4809.3414937791
162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192 4687.654282319365
163 155.7765603694471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202 4631.704710525192
164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242 4395.518313607202
165 11047.560567620912 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242
166 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242
167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455 3184.7276718990242
168 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455
169 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464 2542.6609108875455
170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962 1893.403620796464
171 1228.2168503629707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384 1693.9780834715962
172 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1228.2168503629707 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384
173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1228.2168503629707 1594.2305934678543 1594.5532515900384
174 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1228.2168503629707 1594.2305934678543
175 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1228.2168503629707 1594.2305934678543
176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1228.2168503629707 1594.2305934678543
177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792 1228.2168503629707
178 1213.6854124231795 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792
179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365 517.8764708013792
180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524 325.4376248751365
181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471 191.75560915669524
182 1802.1691207001709 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471
183 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471
184 10.435129153953396 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155.7765603694471
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186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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188 948.1076592975073 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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192 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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194 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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204 1594.5532515900384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
205 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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212 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
213 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
214 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
215 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
216 850.5796526512518 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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218 325.4376248751365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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220 1026.8590428018406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
221 948.1076592975073 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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226 2529.377195133371 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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228 155.7765603694471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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232 11.734653068493966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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237 1981.0085388572948 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
238 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
239 1646.3925603307237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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241 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
242 155.7765603694471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
243 255.00515038220163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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247 325.4376248751365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
248 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
249 3379.956847784623 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
250 1297.9934569378904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
251 1419.972459519666 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
252 2728.201758979361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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261 4944.5522826198185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
262 30.14098907579366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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266 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
269 911.2066617372734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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275 10.435129153953396 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
276 1276.3874740926385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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282 1950.1318655409686 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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287 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
288 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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294 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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300 1658.1272133992177 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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302 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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308 5131.985257824325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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310 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
311 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
312 958.5427884514608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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316 701.4214179267041 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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323 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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325 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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327 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
328 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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334 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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346 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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348 2529.377195133371 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
349 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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354 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
355 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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370 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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377 30.14098907579366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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416 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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813 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
814 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
815 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
816 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
817 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
819 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
820 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
821 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
822 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
823 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
824 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
825 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
826 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
827 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
828 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
829 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
830 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
831 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
832 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
833 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
834 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
835 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
836 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
837 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
838 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
842 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
844 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
846 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
847 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
848 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
849 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
851 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
852 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
853 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
854 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
855 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
856 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
857 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
859 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
860 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
862 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
863 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
864 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
866 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
869 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
871 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
872 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
874 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
877 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
878 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
879 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
880 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
881 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
882 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
883 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
885 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
887 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
888 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
889 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
891 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
892 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
893 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
895 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
896 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
897 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
899 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
905 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
907 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
911 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
912 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
913 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
915 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
916 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
917 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
919 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
922 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
923 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
926 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
927 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
929 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
931 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
932 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
933 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
934 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
935 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
936 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
938 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
939 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
940 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
943 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
947 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
948 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
949 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
953 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
957 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
961 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
964 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
968 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
970 Infinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
971 15811.807077703379 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
977 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
981 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
985 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
986 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
987 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
991 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
994 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This is when you should be remembering that I mentioned there was a trick. Sadly, I have neglected to print out the errors or program of the best-performing individual here, so maybe I should do that now, instead of the population’s MSE scores. I’ve noticed that the “new baby” is being added at the front of the pile (because I used conj, and the pile is a Clojure seq), but the lowest-scoring :mse machine is in the second position, still. I’ll print out its :mse over time. While I’m at it, I’ll print its :failures, too.

(defn report-line
  [t pile]
  (let [winner (second pile)]
      (str t ", "
        (:mse winner) ", "
        (:failures winner)

I know it’s a different outcome than the one I saw earlier where a “perfect” machine was found in only 34 steps (and it’s going to be different every time I run it), but it’s qualitatively the same:

time mse failures
0 85179.45679824185 0
1 162574.21353638978 0
2 99322.72358010856 1
3 Infinity 3
4 2.0227820677760355E7 1
5 Infinity 1
6 25362.32275964421 0
7 25485.987174866958 0
8 25631.038165778496 0
9 26056.96142298673 0
10 215006.5118629454 0
11 3007359.203266669 0
12 26056.96142298673 0
13 208945.93136569994 0
14 26056.96142298673 0
15 25987.35125145516 0
16 25813.57638812627 0
17 25567.765623409574 0
18 26056.96142298673 0
19 Infinity 1
20 26056.96142298673 0
21 26056.96142298673 0
22 25695.702103391402 0
23 30276.57976123286 0
24 26056.96142298673 0
25 26056.96142298673 0
26 66545.16171600235 1
27 25398.134741198635 0
28 26056.96142298673 0
29 25358.299051744376 0
30 26056.96142298673 0
31 26056.96142298673 0
32 26056.96142298673 0
33 25362.32275964421 0
34 26056.96142298673 0
35 25388.83378217196 0
36 26056.96142298673 0
37 25741.183542092534 0
38 25641.458193079718 0
39 26056.96142298673 0
40 25788.14347851901 0
41 26056.96142298673 0
42 26056.96142298673 0
43 25362.32275964421 0
44 26056.96142298673 0
45 26060.137597087807 0
46 25743.222398657843 0
47 25460.185522926877 0
48 26054.3147145831 0
49 25744.66970426452 0
50 26056.96142298673 0
51 22982.66521455557 2
52 26107.412256855285 0
53 25362.32275964421 0
54 25472.976839037576 0
55 25331.68275631292 0
56 25800.747071624966 0
57 26056.96142298673 0
58 25322.30588612343 0
59 25359.14658554313 0
60 25362.32275964421 0
61 26056.96142298673 0
62 25362.32275964421 0
63 25330.935144768977 0
64 25537.275026047642 0
65 25604.013560889824 0
66 25375.163696444557 0
67 25639.296767176853 0
68 26056.96142298673 0
69 13288.932463527713 10
70 25362.32275964421 0
71 25362.32275964421 0
72 25362.32275964421 0
73 25362.32275964421 0
74 25362.32275964421 0
75 25362.32275964421 0
76 26056.96142298673 0
77 25362.32275964421 0
78 25362.32275964421 0
79 25533.09859566452 0
80 25362.32275964421 0
81 25362.32275964421 0
82 25396.941774742765 0
83 25362.32275964421 0
84 26056.96142298673 0
85 25362.32275964421 0
86 25362.32275964421 0
87 25362.32275964421 0
88 25362.32275964421 0
89 25362.32275964421 0
90 25930.548361511297 0
91 26056.96142298673 0
92 25362.32275964421 0
93 25468.080150649956 0
94 25557.365630201213 0
95 25362.32275964421 0
96 26056.96142298673 0
97 26056.96142298673 0
98 25362.32275964421 0
99 25362.32275964421 0
100 42890.91095607435 0
101 25362.32275964421 0
102 25362.32275964421 0
103 26056.96142298673 0
104 25420.85422341124 0
105 25362.32275964421 0
106 25560.731025260546 0
107 25780.219373765503 0
108 25362.32275964421 0
109 25362.32275964421 0
110 25330.935144768977 0
111 25362.32275964421 0
112 25362.32275964421 0
113 25362.32275964421 0
114 19361.36542556728 5
115 25362.32275964421 0
116 25916.94776447208 0
117 25472.976839037576 0
118 26056.96142298673 0
119 26056.96142298673 0
120 25362.32275964421 0
121 26056.96142298673 0
122 25511.713288348346 0
123 26056.96142298673 0
124 25369.823926320874 0
125 25362.32275964421 0
126 26056.96142298673 0
127 25362.32275964421 0
128 25362.32275964421 0
129 25362.32275964421 0
130 25577.1785159978 0
131 25362.32275964421 0
132 25362.32275964421 0
133 25046.117297961297 1
134 25329.974844700642 0
135 25485.250242732523 0
136 25551.45240251641 0
137 23455.35955132141 1
138 23424.155585432316 4
139 25595.95885870864 0
140 25438.385333608923 0
141 25362.32275964421 0
142 25362.32275964421 0
143 25327.7589706679 0
144 25571.81510905444 0
145 21438.021506524146 3
146 22197.34122885996 4
147 25895.313625291783 0
148 25362.32275964421 0
149 25362.32275964421 0
150 25362.32275964421 0
151 26056.96142298673 0
152 25362.32275964421 0
153 26056.96142298673 0
154 17886.305599360243 6
155 25362.32275964421 0
156 25433.480586726037 0
157 25399.149673163825 0
158 23885.116674494795 2
159 25362.32275964421 0
160 25693.726643167345 0
161 25362.32275964421 0
162 25494.07152625282 0
163 25634.596355018424 0
164 25362.32275964421 0
165 25437.77540848637 0
166 25362.32275964421 0
167 25362.32275964421 0
168 25362.32275964421 0
169 25362.32275964421 0
170 25362.32275964421 0
171 25286.493904569004 0
172 22398.14349863499 2
173 67171.1699800845 10
174 22495.32930252437 2
175 26056.96142298673 0
176 25362.32275964421 0
177 25381.01989890756 0
178 26090.73023176117 0
179 25362.32275964421 0
180 25362.32275964421 0
181 20616.62294196638 3
182 25608.878718210963 0
183 25362.32275964421 0
184 21067.16787159983 3
185 25481.04891553333 0
186 25503.35135012405 0
187 25362.32275964421 0
188 25939.090987007174 0
189 25362.32275964421 0
190 25941.349774212544 0
191 20089.286689969464 2
192 25625.92255742463 2
193 25504.907064169565 0
194 25388.83378217196 0
195 25362.32275964421 0
196 25446.23762176743 0
197 25362.32275964421 0
198 25328.553950869762 0
199 25362.32275964421 0
200 16542.799672662924 6
201 15529.407499196346 7
202 26056.96142298673 0
203 25362.32275964421 0
204 19327.36629115892 5
205 22708.819796313815 4
206 25953.88784055144 0
207 19925.216546601307 3
208 24867.321881705615 2
209 18395.72188830764 4
210 6888.813347358344 13
211 13939.196436345344 8
212 22169.76574139698 2
213 20400.28495731926 5
214 25649.993347519558 0
215 18795.94548590909 5
216 25407.799503897906 0
217 26020.45148237475 0
218 18569.49407751137 8
219 26056.96142298673 0
220 17841.97867574784 8
221 14708.714252972848 7
222 14925.815292360554 5
223 24701.66774149801 4
224 16419.385903937167 8
225 19572.6499760765 5
226 22381.002173778143 2
227 18159.66481295628 4
228 15730.231292210325 5
229 20534.024200283613 3
230 5831.284572891593 14
231 10337.0448359601 10
232 25465.396342079497 0
233 26056.96142298673 0
234 15656.713215922044 7
235 2766.8482088107658 19
236 25437.622149021965 0
237 25100.0833603176 1
238 25877.399496495524 0
239 26056.96142298673 0
240 25359.65342085228 0
241 11811.87800868252 7
242 23763.022935545556 7
243 22689.284935180967 3
244 25679.238242112915 0
245 18752.742392677308 6
246 25362.32275964421 0
247 16286.33150850642 7
248 12997.647226509502 6
249 25828.444925247473 0
250 11248.24537895397 9
251 5488.994402176938 14
252 25362.32275964421 0
253 26056.96142298673 0
254 26056.96142298673 0
255 20988.260334328344 5
256 19863.883641456578 5
257 25362.32275964421 0
258 19391.11006758649 5
259 20759.440947637486 2
260 19170.83522097003 6
261 26056.96142298673 0
262 26056.96142298673 0
263 26056.96142298673 0
264 26056.96142298673 0
265 25758.8807418201 0
266 20989.204955506393 3
267 25362.32275964421 0
268 10037.99927860062 12
269 17153.167154855826 9
270 5452.27131918935 18
271 25362.32275964421 0
272 26056.96142298673 0
273 26056.96142298673 0
274 26056.96142298673 0
275 10450.415220398736 11
276 26056.96142298673 0
277 268.448707124016 19
278 790.3811705099034 18
279 12833.760922651585 11
280 8972.98024661603 12
281 6404.3502854698545 16
282 0 20
283 6409.081836873909 15
284 0 20
285 19487.503857476222 4
286 0 20
287 3753.406970056901 16
288 8022.681056151736 16
289 26056.96142298673 0
290 16448.69592242891 8
291 14494.637025913762 5
292 6496.378828561307 15
293 24711.142202573054 2
294 14965.226551439986 11
295 8804.829921287434 12
296 3280.0263416473585 17
297 6120.367511343121 15
298 26056.96142298673 0
299 3046.6081367193983 18
300 26056.96142298673 0
301 17631.043291178925 6
302 20700.24817561331 7
303 2900.455122057315 18
304 21585.04566785414 5
305 1472.659708476854 18
306 11630.741766490717 14
307 5511.931665438849 18
308 1770.3297484750553 18
309 25521.346744164173 0
310 8132.744345729519 15
311 0 20
312 0 20
313 2352.3836486607174 18
314 26056.96142298673 0
315 6070.063773426376 14
316 26056.96142298673 0
317 0 20
318 4580.161509690761 16
319 18820.881875699106 6
320 26056.96142298673 0
321 302.21751589845974 19
322 898.1502674314074 18
323 0 20
324 0 20
325 2707.8276402285173 19
326 7581.7381121616445 16
327 2911.9338610372597 18
328 26056.96142298673 0
329 1579.0912975695173 19
330 0 20
331 0 20
332 0 20
333 0 20
334 0 20
335 0 20
336 190.3980235601082 18
337 0 20
338 0 20
339 3137.3385693191904 18
340 0 20
341 26056.96142298673 0
342 25362.32275964421 0
343 0 20
344 0 20
345 0 20
346 2501.947248217296 19
347 0 20
348 0 20
349 0 20
350 0 20
351 0 20
352 12294.43355079618 9
353 465.6715825392613 18
354 0 20
355 1933.1918943219905 18
356 0 20
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358 0 20
359 26056.96142298673 0
360 366.6379565631724 19
361 0 20
362 2870.9778342720897 18
363 0 20
364 0 20
365 0 20
366 0 20
367 0 20
368 2533.9540606832174 18
369 2766.8482088107658 19
370 3280.3639303430423 17
371 0 20
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376 0 20
377 10060.325393003544 15
378 0 20
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381 5883.506570106052 18
382 0 20
383 0 20
384 0 20
385 0 20
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390 0 20
391 0 20
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393 2501.947248217296 19
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395 0 20
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399 0 20
400 4778.99849616781 16
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407 0 20
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411 0 20
412 873.2915788232812 18
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414 3118.216567514443 19
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439 4145.052459493421 17
440 25700.363108884445 0
441 0 20
442 0 20
443 0 20
444 0 20
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448 0 20
449 7555.469173140185 11
450 2177.5373128408382 19
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468 0 20
469 2316.2196146411143 17
470 0 20
471 0 20
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473 0 20
474 230.85178445137683 19
475 2647.71545509238 19
476 0 20
477 0 20
478 0 20
479 0 20
480 0 20
481 0 20
482 0 20
483 1500.615734090684 19
484 0 20
485 0 20
486 0 20
487 0 20
488 0 20
489 0 20
490 268.448707124016 19
491 0 20
492 0 20
493 0 20
494 0 20
495 0 20
496 0 20
497 0 20
498 0 20
499 0 20
500 0 20
501 0 20
502 0 20
503 0 20
504 0 20
505 0 20
506 3116.6583612952863 19
507 0 20
508 0 20
509 0 20
510 1475.6682430418393 19
511 0 20
512 0 20
513 0 20
514 0 20
515 0 20
516 3116.6583612952863 19
517 0 20
518 0 20
519 0 20
520 0 20
521 0 20
522 0 20
523 0 20
524 0 20
525 0 20
526 230.85178445137683 19
527 0 20
528 0 20
529 0 20
530 0 20
531 0 20
532 6074.519051881678 16
533 0 20
534 0 20
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536 0 20
537 0 20
538 0 20
539 0 20
540 0 20
541 0 20
542 0 20
543 0 20
544 0 20
545 0 20
546 0 20
547 0 20
548 0 20
549 5883.506570106052 18
550 0 20
551 0 20
552 3102.2866771764357 17
553 0 20
554 0 20
555 0 20
556 0 20
557 0 20
558 0 20
559 0 20
560 0 20
561 0 20
562 0 20
563 0 20
564 1399.839387966631 19
565 0 20
566 0 20
567 0 20
568 0 20
569 0 20
570 0 20
571 0 20
572 0 20
573 0 20
574 370.49036050842443 19
575 0 20
576 0 20
577 3006.0042819019154 19
578 0 20
579 0 20
580 0 20
581 0 20
582 0 20
583 0 20
584 0 20
585 0 20
586 0 20
587 0 20
588 488.1636546114437 19
589 0 20
590 367.1725246032402 19
591 0 20
592 0 20
593 0 20
594 0 20
595 0 20
596 0 20
597 302.9685149364532 19
598 0 20
599 0 20
600 0 20
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603 0 20
604 1404.1994954972636 18
605 0 20
606 0 20
607 0 20
608 0 20
609 0 20
610 0 20
611 0 20
612 278.02085777080555 19
613 0 20
614 0 20
615 0 20
616 0 20
617 0 20
618 0 20
619 0 20
620 0 20
621 2849.285133588307 19
622 0 20
623 0 20
624 0 20
625 0 20
626 0 20
627 0 20
628 0 20
629 0 20
630 262.2393993266102 19
631 0 20
632 0 20
633 0 20
634 0 20
635 0 20
636 0 20
637 488.1636546114437 19
638 0 20
639 0 20
640 0 20
641 0 20
642 0 20
643 0 20
644 0 20
645 357.7188466050452 19
646 0 20
647 0 20
648 0 20
649 0 20
650 0 20
651 0 20
652 0 20
653 0 20
654 1475.6682430418393 19
655 0 20
656 0 20
657 0 20
658 2751.627368010028 19
659 0 20
660 0 20
661 0 20
662 0 20
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678 0 20
679 0 20
680 0 20
681 0 20
682 0 20
683 0 20
684 0 20
685 0 20
686 0 20
687 0 20
688 0 20
689 0 20
690 2766.8482088107658 19
691 0 20
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693 0 20
694 0 20
695 0 20
696 0 20
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698 0 20
699 0 20
700 0 20
701 0 20
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712 0 20
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714 0 20
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717 0 20
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720 0 20
721 0 20
722 0 20
723 0 20
724 0 20
725 0 20
726 0 20
727 0 20
728 0 20
729 0 20
730 0 20
731 0 20
732 2662.646531850543 19
733 0 20
734 0 20
735 0 20
736 0 20
737 0 20
738 0 20
739 0 20
740 0 20
741 0 20
742 0 20
743 0 20
744 0 20
745 0 20
746 0 20
747 0 20
748 0 20
749 0 20
750 4510.08345277868 17
751 0 20
752 0 20
753 1075.9088135624777 17
754 0 20
755 0 20
756 0 20
757 0 20
758 0 20
759 0 20
760 0 20
761 0 20
762 0 20
763 0 20
764 0 20
765 1399.839387966631 19
766 0 20
767 0 20
768 0 20
769 2176.2352140781722 19
770 2462.9766876257295 16
771 0 20
772 0 20
773 0 20
774 0 20
775 0 20
776 0 20
777 302.9685149364532 19
778 0 20
779 0 20
780 0 20
781 0 20
782 559.7044506389799 18
783 0 20
784 0 20
785 0 20
786 0 20
787 0 20
788 0 20
789 0 20
790 0 20
791 0 20
792 0 20
793 0 20
794 0 20
795 0 20
796 0 20
797 262.2393993266102 19
798 0 20
799 0 20
800 0 20
801 0 20
802 0 20
803 0 20
804 0 20
805 366.6379565631724 19
806 0 20
807 0 20
808 0 20
809 0 20
810 0 20
811 2176.2352140781722 19
812 2766.8482088107658 19
813 0 20
814 0 20
815 0 20
816 0 20
817 0 20
818 0 20
819 0 20
820 0 20
821 0 20
822 0 20
823 0 20
824 0 20
825 2361.955799307507 18
826 0 20
827 0 20
828 0 20
829 0 20
830 0 20
831 0 20
832 0 20
833 0 20
834 0 20
835 0 20
836 0 20
837 0 20
838 790.3811705099034 18
839 5722.458428118712 17
840 0 20
841 0 20
842 2501.947248217296 19
843 0 20
844 0 20
845 0 20
846 0 20
847 0 20
848 0 20
849 0 20
850 2766.8482088107658 19
851 0 20
852 1500.615734090684 19
853 0 20
854 0 20
855 0 20
856 0 20
857 0 20
858 0 20
859 0 20
860 0 20
861 2176.2352140781722 19
862 0 20
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866 0 20
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893 0 20
894 0 20
895 0 20
896 0 20
897 0 20
898 0 20
899 0 20
900 0 20
901 0 20
902 245.67294282724092 19
903 0 20
904 0 20
905 0 20
906 0 20
907 0 20
908 0 20
909 0 20
910 302.9685149364532 19
911 0 20
912 0 20
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914 0 20
915 0 20
916 0 20
917 0 20
918 0 20
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920 0 20
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922 0 20
923 0 20
924 0 20
925 0 20
926 0 20
927 0 20
928 0 20
929 0 20
930 0 20
931 0 20
932 26056.96142298673 0
933 0 20
934 0 20
935 0 20
936 0 20
937 245.67294282724092 19
938 0 20
939 0 20
940 0 20
941 0 20
942 0 20
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944 0 20
945 0 20
946 0 20
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949 0 20
950 0 20
951 0 20
952 0 20
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954 0 20
955 0 20
956 0 20
957 1399.839387966631 19
958 0 20
959 0 20
960 0 20
961 0 20
962 0 20
963 0 20
964 0 20
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967 0 20
968 0 20
969 0 20
970 0 20
971 0 20
972 0 20
973 0 20
974 0 20
975 0 20
976 0 20
977 0 20
978 0 20
979 0 20
980 0 20
981 0 20
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983 0 20
984 0 20
985 0 20
986 0 20
987 0 20
988 0 20
989 0 20
990 0 20
991 0 20
992 0 20
993 0 20
994 0 20
995 0 20
996 0 20
997 4286.918937798035 18
998 0 20
999 0 20
1000 0 20
1001 162.70306760280812 19

Somewhere around 300 steps along, we start to see those “perfect” machines, the ones with 0 :mse scores. Like I warned you: these are “perfect” because they always return NaN results. When I wrote record-errors, I separated out the :error-vector into the numeric and NaN parts, and only used the former for tallying :mse scores.

When there are no numeric :error-vector entries, then the :mse is 0. And I’m culling “worst” RegisterMachines based only on :mse.

Multiple objectives

What I want isn’t just a RegisterMachine that produces an :mse score of 0.0. I want one that does it without cheating.

In other words—I guess—I want the minimum :mse and the minimum :failures values. There’s obviously a trade-off here. Maybe I could get away with adding them together?

Well, yes and no. Looking at the numbers reported for :mse and :failures, the former is in the tens of thousands, and the latter is 20 at most (because that’s how many training cases there are). I’d rather make sure there aren’t any failures, so how about adding them with weights?

To “use” this combined error measure for selection, I’ll want to modify the way the pile of RegisterMachine answers is sorted.

(defn steady-state-cull-one
      #(+ (:mse %) (* 100000 (:failures %)))
     (shuffle pile))))

That is, I’m sorting by the sum of :mse and 100000 times the number of :failures. To be honest, I hate when people do that, but in this exploratory setting it feels almost-justified.

I hate adding together scores like that for several reasons. First, because inevitably one ends up needing at least one “magic number”—an unnamed numerical constant—or a vector of those. Somebody has to “pick the weights”, and even if they are hand-tailored to a given problem, and even if they are made into named constants, they’re still constants. Another reason I hate them is that each problem is often different from the others. Imagine if I had looked at the scores, and seen that :failures was about the same size as the :mse values I saw? Would I have still used such a big weight? Other reasons for my reticence involve the hulls of high-dimensional data points, and I won’t burden you with them here. But it makes me feel bad to do this.

That said, it certainly makes a difference in the trace of “winner” scores:

I suppose I need to look at the way the pile is changing as a whole, too. Along the way I’ve changed this little exploratory code back and forth a few times, so here’s the report-line and search loop I’m using right now:

(defn one-steady-state-step
  "Assumes the machines are scored before arriving"
  [pile steps data]
  (let [baby (record-errors (steady-state-breed-one pile) steps data)]
    (conj (steady-state-cull-one pile) baby)

(defn report-line
  [t pile]
    (str t ", "
      (clojure.string/join ", " (map :mse pile))

(loop [pile scored-start-pile
       step 0]
  (if (> step 1000)
    (report-line step pile)
      (report-line step pile)
      (recur (one-steady-state-step pile 100 (take 20 x6-data))
             (inc step))

And here’s what’s produced

t mseBaby mse01 mse02 mse03 mse04 mse05 mse06 mse07 mse08 mse09 mse10 mse11 mse12 mse13 mse14 mse15 mse16 mse17 mse18 mse19
0 Infinity Infinity 86310.25642827815 Infinity 87244.0647337767 85924.87378699318 Infinity Infinity 2.237545196951416E269 441114.53780626267 Infinity 87244.0647337767 Infinity Infinity 6.287780297397244E8 Infinity Infinity Infinity 4.665524109288783E168 1.618936348145231E81
1 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 441114.53780626267 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
2 19058.464896153095 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 441114.53780626267 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
3 23987.545239867028 19058.464896153095 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 441114.53780626267 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
4 3.3261541368251327E7 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 441114.53780626267 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
5 18339.57523443953 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
6 18810.788828687255 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
7 18849.19929911953 18810.788828687255 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity
8 18884.812314785846 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity Infinity
9 18851.670366050097 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity Infinity
10 19058.886111139298 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269 Infinity
11 72578.59264133776 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168 2.237545196951416E269
12 19058.464896153095 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81 4.665524109288783E168
13 18866.50690900225 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8 1.618936348145231E81
14 19058.464896153095 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7 6.287780297397244E8
15 36135.03276854044 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267 3.3261541368251327E7
16 19047.39916583301 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953 441114.53780626267
17 19058.464896153095 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767 18339.57523443953
18 20722.52042881949 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767 87244.0647337767
19 18911.685133393334 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815 87244.0647337767
20 Infinity 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815
21 19058.464896153095 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318 86310.25642827815
22 18849.561128480324 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776 85924.87378699318
23 18844.323025395097 18810.788828687255 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044 72578.59264133776
24 18997.26633721736 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708 36135.03276854044
25 23734.75057425069 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23987.545239867028 24889.502285286708
26 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23734.75057425069 23987.545239867028
27 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949 23734.75057425069
28 18150.88329583529 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949
29 18958.273338534673 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298 20722.52042881949
30 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.886111139298
31 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
32 18769.684029492353 18686.79789668599 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
33 19123.714607441478 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
34 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
35 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
36 19013.20591850276 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
37 18830.71176854313 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
38 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
39 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
40 18834.80241182439 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
41 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
42 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
43 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
44 19050.355308978662 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
45 18820.719701783364 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19050.355308978662 19058.464896153095 19058.464896153095
46 19724.556969019708 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19050.355308978662 19058.464896153095
47 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19050.355308978662 19058.464896153095
48 25386.43781956145 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19050.355308978662 19058.464896153095
49 19046.109815900312 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19047.39916583301 19050.355308978662 19058.464896153095
50 18866.50690900225 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19046.109815900312 19047.39916583301 19050.355308978662
51 18994.181312001085 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19046.109815900312 19047.39916583301
52 18841.250509130732 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276 19046.109815900312
53 19157.17900028364 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276
54 19029.70013991519 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276
55 18937.25766318346 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736 19013.20591850276
56 19028.002973626353 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736
57 19018.263761354552 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736
58 19021.935881218466 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736
59 19666.627865650207 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736
60 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736
61 18730.8124281743 18686.79789668599 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085 18997.26633721736
62 18866.50690900225 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673 18994.181312001085
63 19139.35631370998 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673
64 18811.43567456666 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346 18958.273338534673
65 18870.894060090683 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334 18937.25766318346
66 18944.088825334555 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334
67 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334
68 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334
69 18725.631650586667 18686.79789668599 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683 18884.812314785846 18911.685133393334
70 18810.93388659807 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683 18884.812314785846
71 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
72 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
73 19117.19309423159 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
74 18956.071080923197 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
75 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
76 19015.04377193911 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
77 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
78 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
79 19701.349159458336 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
80 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
81 5000093.388986151 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
82 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
83 44296.79224340145 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
84 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
85 18895.94361159249 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
86 18792.25831054915 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18870.894060090683
87 19163.212772139545 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225
88 18721.59312572073 18686.79789668599 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225
89 18817.86723753802 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225 18866.50690900225
90 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
91 24081.45191663114 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
92 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
93 18889.680143600046 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
94 21088.707807341005 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
95 18902.118731330178 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
96 18897.714770463936 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
97 18958.967810914353 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
98 18847.95365567087 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097 18866.50690900225
99 18866.50690900225 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
100 18990.25626978523 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
101 Infinity 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
102 19058.464896153095 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
103 18866.50690900225 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
104 19219.692996684706 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
105 18870.992914204395 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
106 18873.80905210357 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
107 25777.62869985006 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
108 19074.48616954855 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
109 18929.65450360716 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
110 18866.50690900225 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
111 18785.615491445362 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324 18851.670366050097
112 18714.08851812367 18686.79789668599 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953 18849.561128480324
113 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087 18849.19929911953
114 19080.571256784257 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087
115 18723.224238580427 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097 18847.95365567087
116 18866.50690900225 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097
117 22799.222399464627 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097
118 19392.401193153106 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097
119 18827.241255057997 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732 18844.323025395097
120 156799.49524892544 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
121 Infinity 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
122 18968.12115060467 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
123 17402.93530017968 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
124 19093.53986703805 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
125 18862.35979214918 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
126 18967.38573488802 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
127 18628.99148955272 16967.0894770612 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439 18841.250509130732
128 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313 18834.80241182439
129 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313
130 18952.814076113413 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313
131 18805.71477589251 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997 18830.71176854313
132 19031.017173126947 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
133 18980.37111395033 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
134 18840.37338365975 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
135 18994.488449231027 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
136 18906.58996546135 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
137 18926.715708853273 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
138 19250.796671725166 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
139 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
140 18997.73424088999 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
141 17856.841728974374 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364 18827.241255057997
142 2060426.9463303415 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
143 19067.44853437096 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
144 5.8103783544204636E125 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
145 18947.114416639775 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
146 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
147 19031.737017642477 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
148 18989.583023456966 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
149 18825.215664506242 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
150 19149.775904585225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
151 18839.87437356637 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
152 18934.025214525704 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
153 18893.13713643492 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
154 18948.08876944585 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
155 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
156 18968.12115060467 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
157 25145.70973102571 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
158 20398.956167792796 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
159 18745.015870795003 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802 18820.719701783364
160 19068.105942708906 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
161 1.3293879367359525E264 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
162 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
163 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
164 19064.685206452734 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
165 38131.30947763873 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
166 19037.23081590074 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
167 18749.66298393281 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666 18817.86723753802
168 19063.856575469705 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
169 19036.13969757782 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
170 24213.354211592956 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
171 19144.249577862054 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
172 18816.38707494656 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
173 164279.40561422272 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
174 18823.98827312869 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
175 1124784.4120183473 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
176 18909.26688085526 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
177 18840.445611858504 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
178 18883.157733540935 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
179 47223.1987434519 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
180 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
181 18943.968235863198 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
182 28892.46378823027 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
183 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
184 34404.12864669454 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
185 19049.952644492965 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
186 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
187 18832.466771992116 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
188 18894.79894535761 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
189 18990.341828799465 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
190 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
191 18973.63106945447 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
192 18802.470477825922 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807 18811.43567456666
193 18940.15646007202 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807
194 17681.097009086527 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255 18810.93388659807
195 18893.99177783853 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
196 22327.696713629743 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
197 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
198 19114.974014830674 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
199 53596.25079091808 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
200 17824.787505031236 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
201 19371.611594265014 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
202 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
203 18898.939560533167 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
204 19805.051591489537 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
205 18710.970033595855 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251 18810.788828687255
206 18850.476447771576 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251
207 19091.261856437402 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251
208 18969.24391836604 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251
209 14837.517815967263 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251
210 18829.668326337993 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251
211 18749.881880525965 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922 18805.71477589251
212 19028.303592532146 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
213 19080.291676871955 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
214 19023.89050368057 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
215 19162.606696649178 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
216 26707.751283353813 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
217 18955.75907927638 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
218 38774.564641718534 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
219 18720.36578015698 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915 18802.470477825922
220 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915
221 18894.577419712383 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915
222 18901.228122523287 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915
223 18745.279030501802 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362 18792.25831054915
224 18880.899615190454 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362
225 18941.155763988012 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362
226 19025.921297451652 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362
227 18958.219237706628 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362
228 18850.904247516577 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362
229 18627.78932975003 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353 18785.615491445362
230 Infinity 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353
231 18893.472289247453 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353
232 19754.318113162673 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353
233 18683.13063433905 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965 18769.684029492353
234 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965
235 19344.506262699964 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965
236 18709.643911043295 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281 18749.881880525965
237 18949.014297194175 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
238 19028.473332093083 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
239 18925.958044162202 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
240 18874.12585591044 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
241 18890.27484737276 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
242 18818.90282022042 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
243 39002.0548177559 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
244 19161.42124043541 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
245 18900.7645535733 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
246 18865.616300195357 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
247 31695.169784742386 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
248 18896.41385067703 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
249 19057.976309716087 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
250 19070.647026112067 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
251 21480.577995093514 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
252 18977.189820245265 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
253 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
254 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
255 18605.9954221849 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802 18749.66298393281
256 15904.110958932537 13944.82094338313 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003 18745.279030501802
257 83749.64591836651 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
258 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
259 2.197894596589657E7 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
260 19011.615639352105 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
261 18958.60902306444 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
262 18847.083960772306 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
263 19129.985690097237 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
264 19149.214775150926 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
265 18947.98091193556 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
266 17948.81224289143 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
267 18913.1458293176 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
268 18871.42622659507 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
269 19045.20544704959 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
270 18899.260792222914 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
271 19059.469424381274 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
272 18902.871439316288 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
273 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
274 18661.100685988185 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743 18745.015870795003
275 18724.894804243264 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18725.631650586667 18730.8124281743
276 18818.501822858958 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
277 19133.698995107272 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
278 19008.740241318254 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
279 19159.2895235482 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
280 19041.77065939313 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
281 19092.24525889632 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
282 18846.089296683145 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
283 18916.76011347181 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
284 19428.090884786376 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
285 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
286 1.4532678325768407E51 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
287 18897.716945044347 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
288 18887.291223894856 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
289 18923.10341226637 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
290 18681.812535860132 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264 18725.631650586667
291 19019.67971797211 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
292 18990.90446818218 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
293 19011.111832947532 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
294 18740.26759807957 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
295 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
296 18734.431640194496 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
297 18911.60306614715 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
298 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
299 19042.275357593597 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
300 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
301 21497.430654099477 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
302 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
303 18964.7064478914 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
304 18693.14912229168 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427 18724.894804243264
305 18919.271029960077 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
306 18982.79964972072 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
307 19099.358774179906 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
308 19108.49496664455 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
309 18946.049909680543 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
310 18910.443552484674 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
311 19028.118007854002 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
312 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
313 20868.59397204851 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
314 2242835.9797476595 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
315 23684.944075281688 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
316 17203.33454023339 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073 18723.224238580427
317 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
318 19681.176356739117 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
319 18901.900181730885 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
320 18920.49464316729 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
321 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
322 18793.468893179015 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
323 18971.798639236375 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
324 19022.26736863378 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
325 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
326 107555.20263430079 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
327 28260.74633841826 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
328 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
329 19367.897270988244 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
330 21185.262785163857 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
331 25567.96084226515 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
332 19031.021786637095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
333 18733.43649200736 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
334 18930.5541639162 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
335 19263.596729214572 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
336 18949.480736118534 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
337 18733.39754049599 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
338 18858.714611848696 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
339 18070.52597340597 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
340 17579.23591340219 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698 18721.59312572073
341 17884.33474902875 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698
342 18830.484084635802 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698
343 18696.45924163811 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367 18720.36578015698
344 18994.84833133762 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367
345 20743.46447821253 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367
346 18965.74075090591 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367
347 18679.31605936934 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855 18714.08851812367
348 19195.730342808845 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855
349 22896.848150855712 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855
350 28018.979118484465 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855
351 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855
352 19117.08371182765 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855
353 18318.59802309103 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295 18710.970033595855
354 36480.13498016451 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
355 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
356 20592.897954855303 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
357 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
358 19071.20593277351 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
359 18968.12115060467 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
360 23427.257474690734 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
361 23125.020008872547 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
362 18889.67004850556 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
363 18875.92913405557 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
364 18800.58671203843 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
365 18890.263496767235 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
366 19272.700277426455 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
367 19123.224826628873 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
368 18849.381216851092 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
369 45598.79509574114 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
370 30213.476322109276 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
371 19025.838221647224 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
372 18814.452747358446 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
373 19201.45235566708 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
374 18878.439592092443 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
375 18739.87336090983 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
376 18844.352331779253 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
377 18848.06943347779 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
378 18923.977907367556 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
379 18956.36255548579 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
380 23314.931039259467 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
381 19149.237297295494 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
382 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
383 18946.442952417197 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
384 18957.777913093883 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
385 18992.167630342352 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
386 18918.758994765616 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
387 18998.715243398536 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
388 18711.366892992264 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
389 18785.615491445362 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
390 18632.399904946455 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811 18709.643911043295
391 1.243667873756486E8 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811
392 18730.49102087696 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811
393 18231.643906522746 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168 18696.45924163811
394 19057.349700417064 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
395 18903.88018346491 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
396 18834.555703342954 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
397 19716.87160533158 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
398 18942.094021261364 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
399 31758.62157257776 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
400 19010.487862636597 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
401 18248.260006816607 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599 18693.14912229168
402 18863.056030551114 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
403 19095.364270806964 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
404 19048.075645756762 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
405 23583.763467799345 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
406 18837.814125296503 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
407 18981.00873936268 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
408 17838.925697683208 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
409 18922.167181684366 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
410 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
411 18941.323820264133 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
412 18928.437328769895 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
413 25774.14118671654 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
414 18438.999224967458 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905 18686.79789668599
415 18689.49711085439 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
416 19427.267225008003 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
417 23119.16855571339 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
418 19134.163964429026 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
419 18836.308153071393 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
420 18781.410290073152 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
421 24947.810270721504 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
422 17684.454616101815 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132 18683.13063433905
423 37908.88447959334 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
424 56652.5761864507 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
425 19131.62536427445 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
426 29881.719765770416 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
427 Infinity 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
428 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
429 60849.54302866306 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
430 18993.722544792985 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
431 19937.692010937306 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
432 41920.45338492178 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
433 29989.71898292804 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
434 18988.616112086576 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
435 18896.424876650875 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
436 19081.478393708545 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
437 18958.25544568297 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
438 18816.917103874137 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
439 32102.748586792342 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
440 14174.331945605918 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
441 41116.51131042003 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
442 18733.435319100387 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
443 18295.29727035289 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934 18681.812535860132
444 19075.631952651434 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
445 20008.71614448177 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
446 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
447 18727.008599260767 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
448 34646.3950281663 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
449 19083.917369659648 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
450 20127.33947849023 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
451 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
452 24435.381519069535 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
453 22583.815068293283 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
454 18387.29513045347 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185 18679.31605936934
455 19264.057478801093 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
456 19580.128588339583 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
457 20130.828988815683 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
458 8231517.40275946 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
459 Infinity 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
460 8.546064505212302E142 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
461 18765.105652775717 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
462 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
463 18768.920751410267 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
464 18849.501316061396 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
465 19060.677134426747 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
466 18924.00336791991 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
467 20802.569629611608 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
468 18864.06895747783 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
469 18982.298671509034 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
470 19108.01936954437 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
471 18954.177953984883 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
472 19073.626423524733 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
473 53584.2519788402 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
474 18866.50690900225 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
475 18725.02846246612 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
476 18854.96969621151 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
477 18808.715452056236 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
478 18682.1715158968 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
479 19133.58411597704 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
480 19023.451332506113 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
481 18736.092449429292 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
482 18847.046182167913 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
483 18693.92750241769 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
484 18065.977415934994 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455 18661.100685988185
485 20705.96744473495 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
486 19108.804218848833 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
487 18938.606742256234 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
488 30836.27121001771 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
489 18897.905998945196 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
490 18932.837102053316 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
491 19041.823517957007 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
492 25998.371336051103 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
493 19106.64753264347 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
494 19062.729290589654 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
495 21949.352857411443 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
496 21006.292986209217 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
497 1.8347467323192814E8 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
498 19024.209582373136 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
499 32807.716524145515 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
500 18799.277060919223 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
501 19194.88372900989 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
502 18890.263496767235 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
503 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
504 18882.158225140232 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
505 18827.484815410226 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
506 18729.423248189112 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
507 18995.787515143682 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
508 18918.993635806513 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
509 19130.062203238973 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
510 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
511 Infinity 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
512 18758.921139631235 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
513 18584.883051296176 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272 18632.399904946455
514 18734.31909079544 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272
515 19095.54370886942 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272
516 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272
517 18249.299420804153 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003 18628.99148955272
518 18627.918206625724 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003
519 19344.489172568636 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003
520 18915.01076431623 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003
521 15406.839212509572 13944.82094338313 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849 18627.78932975003
522 19151.170246699603 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849
523 2612854.0689473352 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849
524 18183.629117524157 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176 18605.9954221849
525 29326.343939742717 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176
526 18888.905226449915 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176
527 19113.173128836526 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176
528 20753.4301867815 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176
529 17475.597733222996 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458 18584.883051296176
530 18784.587942467668 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458
531 16452.3817172773 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347 18438.999224967458
532 19001.08828899981 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
533 18844.387799043245 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
534 21736.197669560424 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
535 18966.39508447625 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
536 18852.902510529646 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
537 19037.773604514205 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
538 32089.019042841835 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
539 18774.75092961696 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
540 18490.475324572802 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
541 20220.856090841316 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
542 18305.550156994883 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18318.59802309103 18387.29513045347
543 19239.510106095375 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883 18318.59802309103
544 18312.427671751033 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883 18318.59802309103
545 18969.439871067865 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883 18312.427671751033
546 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883 18312.427671751033
547 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883 18312.427671751033
548 16790.72077514328 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883 18312.427671751033
549 18989.85597914603 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883
550 37143.65977169376 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883
551 19009.611643287568 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883
552 32261.337876510857 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883
553 19464.912795047967 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883
554 18028.64278763654 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289 18305.550156994883
555 19088.77742572084 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
556 Infinity 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
557 18918.524634147805 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
558 Infinity 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
559 19253.200750741264 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
560 18907.91395211901 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
561 18903.077871730737 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
562 3.916892686850829E7 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
563 35135.81789422197 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
564 33149.890170385326 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
565 19188.37029211333 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
566 27837.52747364992 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
567 28155.826840839298 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
568 19563.137733968928 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
569 18661.26342431916 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
570 25015.154509735698 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
571 19058.464896153095 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
572 18833.031232091056 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
573 28976.368885870263 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
574 21732.305153512618 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
575 18990.883427759647 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
576 4.601632826457496E7 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
577 20836.83205259164 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
578 18640.666724247058 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
579 27548.382280889182 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
580 19136.000624848504 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
581 27324.729535609094 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
582 19161.403873421827 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
583 19498.549662465026 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
584 22636.222199178766 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
585 24908.113713275387 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
586 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153 18295.29727035289
587 19057.243003927913 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
588 22928.105303113647 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
589 26892.184179302592 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
590 18910.13366124362 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
591 24303.320494256488 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
592 Infinity 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
593 25336.456707183876 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
594 18647.6222713677 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
595 19102.044048660646 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
596 18851.18659119692 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
597 16828.681295975675 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
598 Infinity 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
599 19025.192778899003 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
600 17368.697185336623 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607 18249.299420804153
601 Infinity 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607
602 17782.18572396573 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746 18248.260006816607
603 18993.771486004873 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746
604 17187.927920895323 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157 18231.643906522746
605 32427.188373315126 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157
606 16885.76642953238 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994 18183.629117524157
607 19350.2402179589 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994
608 17444.75653681545 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654 18065.977415934994
609 24753.280442367257 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
610 15915.796556988702 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
611 19814.705987821588 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
612 73796.19866025748 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
613 19056.417874378956 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
614 21124.9436062013 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
615 18081.63980191663 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
616 14889.083982880953 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
617 19074.34752748151 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
618 18794.122699853007 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
619 34820.54434813862 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
620 18446.779640706485 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
621 18981.116846782166 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
622 21134.11901465002 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
623 18949.968979824625 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
624 19086.177940739348 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
625 19129.752420882967 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
626 19058.464896153095 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
627 18853.223581936432 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
628 22558.161273311056 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
629 18592.51361485855 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
630 13877.089086236469 13137.359808193753 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374 18028.64278763654
631 33484.624279962685 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
632 18866.50690900225 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
633 40108.83626566181 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
634 Infinity 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
635 18759.735514027332 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
636 18951.51259338789 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
637 18595.163852876678 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
638 19176.03488534581 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
639 18900.98627500621 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
640 18779.182830869588 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
641 20336.119054013565 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
642 16361.232471408744 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573 17856.841728974374
643 258478.0040461658 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573
644 18931.951381691066 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573
645 19209.852707491453 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573
646 16959.548834344703 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815 17782.18572396573
647 17018.36890977658 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
648 15984.64980449359 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
649 19058.464896153095 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
650 19485.60862438687 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
651 19043.749238618413 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
652 33203.834707409675 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
653 16527.851697267444 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527 17684.454616101815
654 31466.558104728196 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
655 70644.87412831906 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
656 51521.489449611276 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
657 17287.563559373237 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
658 54385.101562914715 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
659 22751.85056622117 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
660 14989.430315386646 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
661 21539.41894744766 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
662 18927.25935339478 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
663 19236.651324618702 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
664 3.587820217040931E46 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
665 18722.27313606074 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
666 22155.649030914457 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
667 23297.538613081502 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
668 16762.850367594347 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219 17681.097009086527
669 18977.455239063016 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
670 18584.308801691892 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
671 18894.555096401942 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
672 18964.721009630917 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
673 26981.311939328007 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
674 13659.185936268512 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
675 22825.93521095714 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
676 16608.07856077211 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996 17579.23591340219
677 17453.950828505043 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996
678 17675.566958274587 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996
679 16745.750377039712 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545 17475.597733222996
680 28278.912251444905 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
681 32490.893283947564 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
682 28010.433949504342 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
683 15557.738486311606 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
684 19465.256537583606 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
685 32882.70175868228 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
686 18900.418421935527 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
687 49609.00177180598 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
688 19034.101895367974 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
689 42266.45402104095 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
690 Infinity 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
691 18954.16281317594 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
692 18980.1805882856 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
693 19477.38710055911 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
694 19370.079543313244 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
695 17336.014508559005 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17368.697185336623 17444.75653681545
696 18759.45780174743 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005 17368.697185336623
697 28258.867289228467 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005 17368.697185336623
698 34086.65568590051 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005 17368.697185336623
699 15958.057424817864 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005 17368.697185336623
700 34115.337932354516 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
701 19019.384409889673 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
702 19063.11114132331 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
703 24562.31645263006 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
704 12829.455812247556 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
705 18244.821106381478 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
706 16931.439778080447 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
707 17844.5556703985 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
708 14107.22736751612 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339 17336.014508559005
709 24527.40611953924 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339
710 Infinity 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339
711 15129.706585134434 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323 17203.33454023339
712 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612 17187.927920895323
713 18984.23082189451 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612
714 19158.048032802908 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612
715 18866.50690900225 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612
716 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703 16967.0894770612
717 18793.311212518896 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703
718 16382.384746890555 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238 16959.548834344703
719 21420.7358592325 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238
720 7.2094927230183665E283 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238
721 8999.226462427394 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238
722 18878.96824207701 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238
723 13714.074881141092 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328 16885.76642953238
724 Infinity 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328
725 12708.144946288334 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347 16790.72077514328
726 19160.410256605905 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
727 18365.11308542274 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
728 17175.524936137597 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
729 18914.564133479005 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
730 Infinity 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
731 19480.358935967164 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
732 20262.124329998518 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
733 18775.61678639379 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
734 18935.760341665777 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
735 16855.216323437427 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
736 16288.452353365305 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712 16762.850367594347
737 18502.90749472333 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
738 15830.262676642751 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
739 18658.05824445478 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
740 18330.702863498675 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
741 30883.300399874184 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
742 22408.59239650412 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
743 19066.18308633256 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
744 18052.111222194002 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
745 19981.50544416543 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
746 37330.486160054934 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
747 20276.091773615728 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
748 22460.23565130618 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
749 17532.502016403167 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
750 19058.464896153095 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
751 14464.398148269876 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211 16745.750377039712
752 21357.93262814028 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211
753 18883.077965950077 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211
754 18852.227369032327 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211
755 26307.839700969722 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211
756 16746.591406264313 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211
757 12706.603004901686 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444 16608.07856077211
758 19025.94840123197 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444
759 1.855753504428137E7 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444
760 15966.98248118637 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444
761 16921.887102127694 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444
762 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773 16527.851697267444
763 9196.75939984471 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773
764 18420.37129276816 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773
765 14713.715644717227 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555 16452.3817172773
766 18886.84115851229 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555
767 21135.987112752493 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555
768 9967.338772873145 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555
769 19142.378166015627 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555
770 19071.0950157173 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555
771 14340.954481654062 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744 16382.384746890555
772 12775.90393256172 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305 16361.232471408744
773 19058.464896153095 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305
774 18909.825484925866 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305
775 14532.682341502392 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864 16288.452353365305
776 15120.698850164503 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537 15958.057424817864
777 18903.065224711438 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537
778 6170.875988818944 1576.5886527205273 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572 15904.110958932537
779 18773.407279846426 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572
780 19058.464896153095 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572
781 20109.254209573028 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572
782 22128.090890022264 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572
783 12066.24809517501 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434 15406.839212509572
784 19058.464896153095 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434
785 14408.387448733103 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503 15129.706585134434
786 18866.50690900225 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503
787 9862.911457545788 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227 15120.698850164503
788 18018.256043167446 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227
789 5990.7985912032955 1576.5886527205273 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392 14713.715644717227
790 10258.405562793303 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103 14464.398148269876 14532.682341502392
791 12903.622121849989 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103 14464.398148269876
792 19058.464896153095 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103
793 13400.864005008983 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103
794 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062 14408.387448733103
795 19656.909305701716 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062
796 12148.236310511746 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612 14340.954481654062
797 19058.464896153095 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612
798 12849.639090772802 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313 14107.22736751612
799 720.0 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469 13944.82094338313
800 10948.849858236028 720.0 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092 13877.089086236469
801 1218.2579229706735 720.0 817.1849907652391 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753 13714.074881141092
802 16193.465952504966 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753
803 19058.464896153095 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753
804 17753.12560231724 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753
805 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989 13137.359808193753
806 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802 12903.622121849989
807 19058.464896153095 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802
808 21334.549036269647 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802
809 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172 12849.639090772802
810 18861.69532450907 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172
811 13406.57363956629 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172
812 5726.136767588434 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334 12775.90393256172
813 11587.0153761009 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686 12708.144946288334
814 12849.087908201749 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686
815 5831.404692994629 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028 12706.603004901686
816 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746 12244.269296991028
817 19105.76995258605 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746
818 6248.822790687414 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009 12066.24809517501 12148.236310511746
819 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009 12066.24809517501
820 9292.698015178452 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421 11587.0153761009
821 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028 10992.279866889421
822 10533.180889960835 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10948.849858236028
823 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303 10533.180889960835
824 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788 10258.405562793303
825 11840.886130028024 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788
826 11874.206749651426 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788
827 18727.008599260767 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788
828 18866.50690900225 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788
829 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452 9862.911457545788
830 18850.904247516577 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452
831 5446.235121517431 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414 9292.698015178452
832 18866.50690900225 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414
833 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944 6248.822790687414
834 18866.50690900225 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944
835 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955 6170.875988818944
836 19058.464896153095 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955
837 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629 5990.7985912032955
838 3535.0993297869863 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434 5831.404692994629
839 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 3535.0993297869863 5446.235121517431 5726.136767588434
840 6651.4980151737245 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 3535.0993297869863 5446.235121517431
841 18866.50690900225 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 3535.0993297869863 5446.235121517431
842 19058.464896153095 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 3535.0993297869863 5446.235121517431
843 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 3535.0993297869863 5446.235121517431
844 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273 3535.0993297869863
845 18866.50690900225 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273
846 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735 1576.5886527205273
847 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 720.0 817.1849907652391 1218.2579229706735

Now at the moment, my real problem is that I’ve encountered some kind of very rare error. It’s a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException, it’s happening somewhere in my loop, and it’s really pissing me off.

I honestly don’t know which of my operators invoked in the loop is causing the problem, or whether it’s some edge case of executing a ProgramStep with an inappropriate index, or…. Dagnabbit, I thought I’d been pretty careful with testing.

An aside on testing

A lot of colleagues, especially those who work in Academia exclusively, ask me why I bother writing so many tests when I work, if they don’t keep me from introducing bugs. This sounds like a variant of the old, “If you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?” sort of logic, but I’m willing to take it in stride.

I find that the question arises from those colleagues because, for whatever reason, they imagine (1) that testing slows me down when I’m writing code, an (2) that testing makes me less likely to introduce bugs. Both of those are wrong, and to be honest it shows how little they understand the incredible usefulness of constant testing. It doesn’t even have to be test-driven development (which I’m not doing here), or even test-first development. The habit of having a wide-ranging suite of automated tests running all the time while I write new code (1) speeds me up, and (2) does not make me any less likely to introduce bugs, but does make almost any bug far easier and faster to fix.

If I sense something is getting even a little more complicated than the extremely tiny amount of “design” I can hold in my head at any moment, that’s when I write a test. Recursion and iteration and fiddling with complex nested collections are all especially tricky things for me. The good old “fence post problem”—where you need to know how many times a loop will fire, but you are off by one because you counted (or didn’t count) the one at the start and the one at the end, and should have only counted one not both—is a perennial one for me.

And so that’s when I write automated tests. Whenever anything gets even slightly complicated.

The benefit, as I said, is not that the tests “make me smart” or “make the code less buggy”. I can’t imagine the mental model of a person who thinks that’s what they’re for, but nonetheless a lot of otherwise smart people seem to think that’s the argument.

No, I am experienced enough to know how stupid I can get, and to evaluate the average stupidity I tend to maintain. Both are on the high end of the scale.

The tests are there so they fail. As soon as I am just a bit too stupid, some consequence somewhere in the complex code I’ve accumulated will cause one of them to fail, and I’ll know. Not only that, but because they tend to be unit tests the particular consequence that causes the particular failed test is often obvious—that’s because unit tests are only exercising very small chunks of logic.

In this case, this weird IndexOutOfBoundsException I’m seeing, I’m no smarter or better off than anybody else. All the code I’m running was tested, but I wasn’t paranoid about it, and I certainly wasn’t using TDD.

That happens. We all cope the same way with those things. The nice thing is, as I’m trying to fix that, I will also know that I am not fucking up all the rest of the work I’ve actually covered in tests.

So, in case you were about to ask why I spend so much “extra time” on tests, ask yourself first how much “extra time” you spend changing code you’ve already written….

The Bug

Having no tests, I need to think more than usual—a painful process, probably for both of us. This thing is rare, it happens only after I’ve been running for a while, and it’s an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

There are a few places where I’m looking things up in (or writing to) collections by index. It’s a core behavior of invoke, for example, which takes a numerical index that is supposed to point to one of the items in the concatenation of :read-only and :connectors register banks. And there’s the crossover search operator, but that doesn’t feel like it’s….

Hold on right there.

Back up and think for a moment about the core of executing a program here: invoke-any-step. That picks a random item from the :program field of a RegisterMachine, and does that thing. At the beginning of the search, all the programs have 100 steps. So that shouldn’t be a problem. But… crossover combines a random number of items from both parents into one baby program… and what if that number just happens to be zero for both parents? Then there would be an empty baby program, and…. Yup, I bet that’s it.

I check something in the REPL, and confirm my suspicion. Suppose I was trying to run a rand-nth item from an empty list of program steps?

user=> (rand-nth [])
IndexOutOfBoundsException   clojure.lang.PersistentVector.arrayFor (PersistentVector.java:158)


I think perhaps what’s happening is that an offspring is being constructed with no program steps, which is allowed as things stand right now—and, and! (that’s the sound of confirmation bias creeping in) I realize that the bug happens more often when the machines start with shorter programs. Well OK then. We can fix this! And if it crops up again later, then I’ll at least know it ain’t this problem. Here’s a revision (note the (max 1 (rand-int...))), and a test.

(defn crossover-program
  "Takes two RegisterMachines. Randomly samples some ProgramSteps from each, returning a new program combining the samples"
  [mom dad]
  (let [mom-program (:program mom)
        mom-contrib (max 1 (rand-int (count mom-program)))
        dad-program (:program dad)
        dad-contrib (max 1 (rand-int (count dad-program)))]
    (into [] (concat
      (repeatedly mom-contrib #(rand-nth mom-program))
      (repeatedly dad-contrib #(rand-nth dad-program))

(fact "crossover-program won't ever produce an empty result"
  (let [mom (->RegisterMachine [1 1 1 1] [0 0 0] [:a :b :c :d])
        dad (->RegisterMachine [2 2 2 2] [0 0 0] [:z :y :x :w])]
    (crossover-program mom dad) => [:MOM :DAD]
    (provided (rand-int 4) => 0
              (rand-nth [:a :b :c :d]) => :MOM
              (rand-nth [:z :y :x :w]) => :DAD

New Blood

I’m tired of writing all these random numbers to STDOUT and then copying and pasting them into a CSV file. Time to write the data out straight to a file, I think. Then I should probably check whether I can scale this steady state algorithm back up to reasonable size and expect a proportional improvement.

My experience yesterday, with the design spike I didn’t show you, makes me think that probably I will need a way to introduce “new blood” into the pile of prospective answers. Either some kind of “immigration” of random RegisterMachines (but those would likely have a hard time competing with the evolved ones), or a constant background mutation of ProgramStep functions and :read-only constants. After all, I’m still playing with \(y=x+6\) here, and I suspect (from experience) that a lot of the hard part for these little guys, with their 11 random numbers, is the pressure to find a way to make the constant. Letting them have new constants might help a lot towards that goal.

Again, it’s been a few cycles since I’ve shared what’s been happening in context to my code. Here, let me share that, since it’s all self-contained in a single file, and uses Midje for the interactive testing I’ve been doing for this part.

This is what it looks like when I change the constants so that I am using a population of 100 RegisterMachine items, and evaluating all of them for 500 steps over each of 100 training cases. Which is, I still think, one hell of a lot of training cycles. But that’s what the authors seem to have wanted for \(y=sin(x)\), so it should be good enough to solve \(y=x+6\) from here.

That said, I have not implemented mutation yet. That will be in the next slide. Here’s the current code I run, right before taking a nap:

(ns artificial-chemistry.steady-state-experiment
  (:use midje.sweet)
  (:use [artificial-chemistry.core]))

;;;; implementing a simple steady state experiment interactively

(defn random-x6-case
  (let [x (+ (rand 100) -50)]
    [[x] (+ x 6)]

(def x6-data
  (repeatedly 100 random-x6-case))

(def starting-pile
      (random-register-machine all-functions 11 30 100)

(def scored-start-pile
  (map #(record-errors % 500 x6-data) starting-pile))

; (println 
;   (map :mse scored-start-pile))

(defn steady-state-breed-one
  "Takes a collection of RegisterMachines. Returns one new crossover product"
  (let [mom  (rand-nth pile)
        dad  (rand-nth pile)]
    (crossover mom dad)

; (println
;   (:mse (record-errors (steady-state-breed-one starting-pile) 20 x6-data)))

(defn steady-state-cull-one
      #(+ (:mse %) (* 100000 (:failures %)))
     (shuffle pile))))

(fact "culling removes a highest-scoring from a pile"
  (count (map :mse scored-start-pile)) => 
    (inc (count (map :mse (steady-state-cull-one scored-start-pile))))
  (map :mse scored-start-pile) =>
    (contains (map :mse (steady-state-cull-one scored-start-pile))
      :in-any-order :gaps-ok )

(defn one-steady-state-step
  "Assumes the machines are scored before arriving"
  [pile steps data]
  (let [baby (record-errors (steady-state-breed-one pile) steps data)]
    (conj (steady-state-cull-one pile) baby)

(defn report-line
  [t pile]
    (spit "steady-state-rms.csv"
          (str t ", "
            (clojure.string/join ", " (map :mse pile))
          :append true)
      (str t ", "
        (clojure.string/join ", " (take 5 (map :mse pile))) "..."

  (spit "steady-state-rms.csv" "")
  (loop [pile scored-start-pile
         step 0]
    (if (> step 10000)
      (report-line step pile)
        (report-line step pile)
        (recur (one-steady-state-step pile 500 x6-data)
               (inc step))

When I wake up from my nap, we can look at the results together.

Next time: Results! And Mutants!