
Complexity and Diversity

Draft of 2005.11.09 ☛ 2015.07.03 ☛ 2017.07.17

May include: academiapolicy&c.

I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to a Large and Important workshop on “The Complexity of Diversity: Rethinking Gaps and Leveraging Differences”. Essentially because I know somebody, and I’m a bad one for worming myself in where I haven’t been invited.

On reviewing the program, this low-profile but institutionally-influential conference has how many engineers?

Umm, well… me. First-year graduate student me. And hell, I’m not even a real engineer: I just talk too much, give free (and not-free) advice, and am continually asking other people to do things for me.

Maybe there will be others coming, like me, just to watch from the sidelines? You think?