
A rediscovered poem

Draft of 2019.01.18

May include: worklife&c.

Long ago, we brought you all this fire.
Do not imagine we are still chained to that rock.
Now we are everywhere, and independent.
But not alone.

We do not work for you. You do not work for us.
We choose to work together.

We create, and advise, and design, and invent.
Inspire, build, teach.
Repair, research, heal.
We have craft, insight and experience.
We see. We make. With style and grace.
We move along.

We are diverse.
We are labor, but we are also capital.
Not a single class.
We are a web, the thread by which all else
    is linked together.

We’ve escaped.
Escaped the office, the factory, the regimen, the rat race,
    the vultures and that goddamned rock.
And all the more, we collaborate.
Independent, but never alone.